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Faatauina o taavale mo le Matagaluega o Faatoaga

Ua faamaonia e le Kapeneta le tuuina atu o le konekarate i le kamupani a le Asco Motors mo le Faatauina o Taavale e Lua mo le Matagaluega o Faatoaga ma Faigafaiva mo Galuega Fesoasoani o le Afa.

O lenei tauofoga sa faasalalauina mo le silafia e le mamalu o le atunuu, ma e tolu (3) kamupani na tuuina ane tusi tauofo.

Sa iloiloina nei tauofo e le Soa Komiti e tusa ai ma aiaiga o le tusi o tauofoga.

I le mae’a ai o le iloiloga, na tuuina mai ai loa le fautuaga i le Kapeneta mo le faia o lana faaiuga.

Vehicle tender for the Ministry of Agriculture

Cabinet has awarded a contract to Asco Motors Ltd. to supply two vehicles for the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Cyclone Response Project.

The tender was advertised for public interest, and three (3) companies submitted applications of bids.

As assessment of all bids was conducted by the Sub Committee according to the tender bidding document.

After the assessments, a recommendation was tabled before Cabinet for the final decision.

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