Fono Faavaomalo i mataupu tau tamaitai
Ua faamaonia e le Kapeneta le auai atu o le usugafono a Samoa i fono e lua e faia i Niu Ioka i Amerika i le aso 10 – 21 Mati 2014.
O le Fono Lona 58 Faavaomalo a le Komisi mo le Tulaga o Tamaitai o Atunuu o lo o i totonu o Malo Aufaatasi, e amata i le aso 10 o Mati 2014. O le faamoemoe ia tuliloa ma lipoti ane i ai atunuu ua sainia le Feagaiga Faavaomalo mo le Tafiesea o le Faailoga Tagata e faasaga i Tina ma Tamaitai.
O le Fono Lona 12 a le Komiti o Malo o le Taupulega i Fuafuaga e Tuliloaina ai Mataupu tau Tina ma Tamaitai, e faia i le aso 15 o Mati 2014. O le faamoemoe o lea Fono ina ia fefa’asoa’ai atunuu o lo o i totonu o lenei Komiti i le faatinoga o mataupu mo puipuiga o tamaitai, ma faatalanoa le Lipoti o le Iloiloga a le Komiti lea sa faatinoina ia Novema/Tesema 2013 ma le maliliega ia faalauiloa ni auala e saga uunaia ma faaleleia ai lenei Iloiloga.
O le usugafono a Samoa e taitaia e le Afioga i le Minisita o Tina ma Tamaitai, Tofa Tolofuaivalelei Falemoe Leiataua ma o le a avea le Afioga i le Minisita ma Taitaifono o le Fono Lona 12 a le Komiti o Malo o le Taupulega.
O le a malaga faatasi le Afioga i le Minisita ma le Ofisa Sili o Pulega, Leituala Kuiniselani ma isi sui o le Matagaluega o Tina ma Tamaitai.
Delegation to New York for Gender Meetings
Cabinet approved the trip for Samoa’s delegation to attend the 58th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women and the 12th Meeting of the Commonwealth Gender Plan of Action Monitoring Group (CGPMG), from 10 – 21 March 2014.
The delegation is led by the Minister of Women, Tofa Tolofuaivalelei Falemoe Leiataua, who is attending as Chair of the 12th CGPMG Meeting, starting on 15th March.
Some of the aims of the 12th CGPMG Meeting are to facilitate sharing experiences of monitoring the implementation of the Commonwealth Plan of Action for Gender Equality 2005-2015; discuss monitoring for accountability and oversight of the PoA; and discuss the report of the review of the CGPMG, conducted in November/December 2013.
The agenda for the 58th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women includes discussions on the challenges and achievements in implementing the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls; women’s access to productive resources; as well as reports from the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.
The Minister is joined by his Chief Executive Officer, Leituala Kuiniselani Toelupe Tago and other officers of the Ministry of Women.