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24 March 2016

Announcement of Associate Ministers to Cabinet

Thirteen new Associate Ministers to Cabinet have been sworn in today at the Fiame Mataafa Faumuina Mulinuu II Government Building in Apia.

This follows last week’s official swearing in of all 50 Members of Parliament, including the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.  Following this first official Parliament session , the Prime Minister announced his new Deputy and Cabinet Ministers, with the Associate Ministers to be decided this week.

The announcement of the new associate ministers was made by Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, who said it was important to find the right balance and ensure that those who are chosen are suitable to support the work of each cabinet minister’s portfolio.

Said Tuilaepa,

“There are many ways to serve our country – as a cabinet minister, associate minister or through many of the vitally important parliamentary committees.

“In selecting the associate ministers, it was again very important to make sure that our choices are representative of a wide and varied group, while also acknowledging personal attributes, skills and experience.”

The Prime Minister also emphasised the crucial contribution of all Parliamentarians, irrespective of whether they have been given a Cabinet post or Associate Minister role.

“As this is the first time we have such an overwhelming majority in Parliament, it’s even more important that the work of government follows the guidelines of good governance.

“We have to check each other and make sure that what is appropriate and good for Samoa is what takes precedence.

“We are all human, so Government is never going to be perfect.  Therefore it’s important that we are not hesitant to employ all measures of good governance so we remain accountable and on track with our plans for the development of the country and the improvement of livelihoods for all.”

Associate Ministers are appointed under the Parliamentary Under-Secretaries Act 1988, and although they are not members of Cabinet, they are still bound by the principle of collective ministerial unity, solidarity and responsibility.
The new Associate Ministers for 2016-2021

Ministry of the Prime Minister & Cabinet: Peseta Vaifou Tevaga

Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment: Taefu Lemi Taefu

Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Labour, Ministry of Public Enterprises: Tuifaasisina Misa Lisati Leleisiuao

Ministry of Health: Salausa Dr John Ah Ching

Ministry of Police & Prisons: Amituanai Fagaivalu Kenrick Samu

Ministry of Finance: Mulipola Leiataua Laki

Ministry of Women, Community & Social Development: Tofa Li’o Foleni Li’o

Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries: Faasootauloa Pati Taulapapa

Ministry of Communications & Information Technology: Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi

Ministry of Justice & Courts Administration: Lenatai Victor Tamapua

Ministry of Revenue: Sooalo Umi Feo Mene

Ministry of Works, Transport & Infrastructure: Seiuli Ueligitone Seiuli

Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture: Alai’asa Moefaauouo Sepulona Moananu

Government’s Cabinet for 2016-2021:

Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi (Lepa)
Ministry of the Prime Minister and Cabinet; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade; Office of the Attorney General; Public Service Commission.

Deputy Prime Minister, Fiame Naomi Mataafa (Lotofaga)
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

Lautafi Fio Selafi Purcell (Satupaitea)
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour; Ministry of Public Enterprises; Samoa Tourism Authority; Samoa Land Corporation.

Tuitama Dr Talalelei Tuitama (Aana Alofi No.1 East)
Ministry of Health

Sala Fata Pinati (Gagaemauga No.1)
Ministry of Police and Prisons

Sili Epa Tuioti (Faasaleleaga No.1 East)
Ministry of Finance; Central Bank of Samoa; Development Bank of Samoa

Faimalotoa Kika Iemaima Stowers (Gagaifomauga No.1)
Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development.

Laaulialemalietoa Polataivao Leuatea (Gagaifomauga No.3)
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries; Scientific Research Organisations of Samoa-SROS.

Afamasaga Lepuiai Rico Tupai (Aana Alofi No.3)
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.

Faaolesa Katopau T. Ainuu (Vaimauga Sisifo No.2)
Ministry of Justice and Courts Administration.

Tialavea Feo Leniu Tionisio Hunt (Vaa o Fonoti)
Ministry of Revenue.

Papaliitele Niko Lee Hang (Urban East)
Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure.

Loau Sola Keneti Sio (Sagaga le Falefa)
Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture.


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