‘Healthy Environment, Healthy People’ is the theme for Environment week 2016.
For over twenty years, government has promoted environmental awareness and conservation measures in Samoa with campaigns encouraging community participation and engagement.
This year’s theme emphasizes the important link between health and environment.
“Through the Ministry of Environment, government has continuously conducted programmes and activities to inform and educate the public on ways to protect and preserve our environment,” said Tuilaepa.
“Samoa is one of the small islands of the Pacific, so we are vulnerable to the changes and impacts of climate change and natural disasters, which have struck many countries in recent years.”
“The impacts starts from the mountain ridges all the way down to the reef.
“Its very important that we treasure our environment because this is our heritage from God.”
The launching of the Watershed Management Plan for Sapunaoa and Tapueleele; launching of the P3D Model for Fagalii; and the launching of the Waste Management Billboard also took place this morning.
The programme today also included Community consultations on Community Integrated Management Plans for Faleata East and West.
The Environment Week programme started this past Saturday with a National Clean-Up Day at Fuluasou River and Vaiusu Mangrove Bay, and a church service on Sunday.
Tomorrow’s programme will include the National Water Leaders Forum; Youth Water Leaders Initiative – ridge to reef tours; National environment exhibition and the green tours and tree planting 2016 activities.
For Wednesday, there will be a climate change and disaster joint platform and village response team first aid competition.
Thursday’s events will be the 3rd Annual Environment Sector review; the launching of the upgraded MNRE website and the national tree planting initiative.
Friday will be the National environment partners dialogue ‘water is everyone’s responsibility’ and the national environment awards gala.