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23 March 2020; All Chief Executive Officers, Government Ministries, and Statutory Bodies, All General Managers, Public Bodies and Constitutional Bodies



In respect of FK (20) Faapitoa 7 issued on Friday, 20 March 2020 declaring A State of Emergency in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) global crisis.

The Public Administration Sector COVID19 Planning Guideline is activated with the following conditions to be effective immediately until further notice:

A. The Partial shut-down of non-essential services but essential services will remain open:
1. Non-essential services:
a. Will remain open from Monday to Friday for the duration of the SOE;
b. New working hours will be from 9am – 3pm;
c. CEOs to make roster arrangements or flexible working hour arrangements for employees;
d. CEOs to make appropriate transportation using Government vehicles to transport employees if necessary, to meet the needs of the services;
e. No adjustment should be made to an employee’s salary as a result of the above changes.
2. CEOs should make determinations under their special powers to suspend or defer government programs that bring together more than 5 people in one place;
3. All Ministries to encourage the elevated use of telecommunication or social media means to respond to all customer enquiries and to reduce the movement of the general public.

B. Employees classified as tier 1 (CEOs, DCEOs) and tier 2 (ACEOs, Principal Officers) affected by the conditions below may be provided with the opportunity to work remotely from home for the duration of the State of Emergency (23rd March – 4th April 2020). Ministries, Statutory, Public Bodies and Constitutional Authorities must provide appropriate support by providing internet access, office network access etc, to the employee where practicable:
1. Employees aged 60 years+;
2. Employees with underlying medical conditions;
3. Employees affected by the unavailability of public transportation to travel to work;
4. Employees affected by the closure of schools and need to attend their children.

C. Special Leave with Pay available for the following employees:
1. Employees aged 60 years+;
2. Employees with underlying medical conditions;
3. Employees who need to care for family members suspected or confirmed with the COVID19;
4. Employees suspected or confirmed with the COVID 19;
5. Employees affected by the unavailability of public transportation to travel to work;
6. Employees affected by the closure of schools and need to attend to their children;
7. Employees who have exhausted all leave but have mild symptoms of the flu;
8. Employees with returning family members who have travelled from an MOH restricted country destination.

D. Support for NEOC Operations:
1. All tier 1 (CEOs, DCEOs) and tier 2 (ACEOs, Principal Officers) must be on standby to provide on call assistance at the hospital, borders, etc as and when required by NEOC;
2. All other employees not mentioned above are to be guided by further instruction through their CEO.

E. Monitoring and Evaluation:
1. All HRCs and ACEO Corporate Services for Public Bodies and Constitutional Bodies must:
i. Maintain all accurate records of employees in accordance with the categories specified in (B) and (C);
ii. Circulate and update the contact/profile list of their employees to their Management;
iii. Facilitate and coordinate the completion of the High-Risk Self-Assessment Questionnaire for its office;
iv. Facilitate and coordinate the completion and submission of the Situational Report due every 72 hours to the relevant Sector Coordinator for submission to NEOC;
v. Coordinate and conduct essential awareness on proper hygiene practices, respiratory etiquettes and social distancing in workplaces;
2. All employees are responsible for:
i. Submitting their request to the relevant Minister or CEO if they should fall under category (B) and wish to work remotely from home;
ii. Submitting a report if they fall within category (B) and approved to work remotely from home to their Minister or CEO upon returning to work;
iii. Informing their office as soon as possible via mobile or other social media means if they fall within in any of the conditions specified in (C).
iv. Submitting a medical certificate if they have mild symptoms of the flu upon returning to work;
v. Submitting (1) a medical proof of test result and (2) a medical clearance report at least five (5) days prior of being physically fit to resume work if recovered from the COVID19 (MOH guidelines);
vi. Submitting a medical clearance report at least three (3) days prior if suspected with the COVID19 before resuming work (MOH guidelines);
vii. Submitting a copy of the medical report for a family member suspected or confirmed with the COVID19 he/she is caring for and additionally (2) v or vi;
3. Any queries for working conditions or leave entitlements for Public Bodies and Constitutional Authorities must be directed to Ms. Osana Liki-Ward – ACEO PASP ( Ms. Eleline Lafi-Simamao – ACEO PSPP ( and Ms. Tamara Filoi-Lene – ACEO CHRAS ( and copied to Ms. Elita Tooala – CEO MPE ( or contact telephone numbers 22123 for the Public Service Commission or 34500 for the Ministry of Public Enterprises.
F. Disciplinary Action:
1. Any government employee who deliberately provides false information or intentionally lies to use Special Leave WITH PAY will be subject to disciplinary action under “Section 19, Code of Conduct,” of the Public Service Act 2004 or any applicable laws.

Ma le faaaloalo,
Aiono Mose Pouvi Sua

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