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4 MARCH 2020;


  1. A Special Health Declaration Card is required to be filled out by all travelling passengers in-flight or on arrival in to Samoa.
  1. ALL Travellers including returning residents entering Samoa are now required to undergo medical examination by a Registered Medical Practitioner within (3) days before ARRIVAL. Medical clearance report IS REQUIRED for check-in prior to issuing of boarding passes.
  1. All Travelers entering Samoa including Samoan passport holders who are permanent residents of American Samoa are now required to have medical examination within 3 days before entering; this requirement SHOULD BE SIGNED by the attending physician and COUNTER-SIGNED by the Motusa Tuileama Nua, Director of Public Health, American Samoa.
    • All Samoan Nationals and Permanent Residents travelling to American Samoa are required to have medical examination within 3 days before entering with proof of MMR/MR vaccination. If in the event your travel is less than 3 days; medical examination issued in Samoa will suffice for your return.
  1. Compulsory screening of ALL arriving PASSENGERS and CREW to Samoa is in effect for ALL ports of entry. All are required to comply and produce additional documents when asked.
  1. All Travelers originating FROM or TRANSITING through;
  1. CHINA,
  3. MACAU
  4. JAPAN
  8. ITALY
  9. IRAN
  10. KUWAIT
  11. TAIWAN
  13. SPAIN
  14. FRANCE

Must spend at least 14 days self-quarantine at country of last port and must undergo medical clearance within (3) days prior to final route to Samoa. This must be their final stop before travelling to Samoa. All Travelers before entering Samoa are required to be tested for the Coronavirus (COVID-2019).

In the event you arrive within the 14 day period as noted above, YOU will be RETURNED to the country of last Port before arrival in to Samoa.

  1. ALL Charted Flights and Cruise Ships intended for Samoa WILL NOT be granted entry into Samoa until further notice.
  1. All sea port entries will be screened at the quarantine buoy before the vessel docks at the wharf.
  1. All Ships and Fishing vessels Entering Samoa with crew change at any port or out at sea MUST COMPLY with ALL REQUIREMENTS stated above.  Entry will be denied unless they comply with requirements.

ALL Airlines and Travel Agencies are urged to comply with ALL requirements.

Requirements for ALL Airlines:

With ongoing efforts to prevent COVID-19 entering Samoa, ONLY the following Air craft size(s) AirBus 320 or Boeing 737-800 is permitted for:

Flights between New Zealand and Samoa; FIVE (5) flights for both Samoa Airways and Air New Zealand per week,

Flights between Australia and Samoa; THREE (3) flights for both Samoa Airways and Virgin Australia per week,

Flights between Fiji and Samoa; THREE (3) flights per week including Hawaii route,

Flights between American Samoa and Samoa; FOUR (4) flights for both Talofa Airways and Samoa Airways per day

Airlines are advised to make appropriate Changes for flights into Samoa.


  1. It is strongly recommended that all persons intending to travel to any country affected by the 2019 Novel Coronavirus postpone their travel arrangements unless necessary.
  1. Be aware of the signs and symptoms of 2019 Novel Coronavirus which include: fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.
  1. Preventive measures should be adhered to at ALL times in the event that travel cannot be postponed.
  1. The Ministry STRONGLY ADVISES ALL Groups and Sporting bodies intending to travel overseas to reconsider or cancel travel arrangements.

For more information contact Tagaloa Dr. Robert Thomsen on Phone: (685) 66503 / 7676015 or Email: or Dr Sarah Brown email:

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