It is an honour for me to give this keynote address to say thank you – on behalf of the Government of Samoa, to Mr. Lemalu Muaautasi Hermann Paul Retzlaff, who held the office of the Attorney General of Samoa from 2016 – 2020.
In the past 4 years, the Office of the AG has under your guidance handled some notable matters. We remember:
- the tribunal inquiry which eventually led to the disestablishment of the National Prosecution Office, and the Attorney General to once again resume the discretion and prosecutorial powers afforded under Article 41 of the Constitution of Samoa, as it has always been, since Samoa attained independence;
- the need for constant legal advice during the re-structuring of the management of the Samoa Police Service after a few events, all of us here recall as it was constantly reported in the papers;
- the decisions when advising the police, as the Constitutional lead prosecutor of the country to protect the integrity of law enforcement, and prosecute those who had to be charged, from all parts of the community, including Government;
- the Measles epidemic, where your office with MPMC and others, guided Cabinet through the State of Emergency Orders, and under urgency, in collaboration with the Samoa Law Reform Commission your Offices produced legislation providing for mandatory vaccination measures to be put in place;
- AND all the work done in the past 4 years, most of which cannot be mentioned due to the confidential nature of the work of your office.
As a manager I note:
- your mentorship that has resulted in good working relationship with members of your Office;
- your zeal to keep and retain senior and experienced lawyers to service the needs of our Government;
- your strategic approach to helping bring solutions to problems faced, whether it is internal, our external to your Office – particularly with the use of humour.
I would like to on behalf of the Government convey our sincere thanks in the role you had in these past 4 years. It was not an easy four years, as I recall saying during the early period of your tenure.
However, with God’s help, the ship was steered through those times, and we have also then seen the positive outcomes of the work that has been carried out.
The seasons as mentioned by the Pastor today points to today’s event fittingly, Lemalu’s departure is the end of a season, but also the beginning of a new one. The only challenge that Government now faces is the appointment of another Attorney General. But as is a customary proverb in our culture, when a person leaves, there is already another to take over. (A pa’u se toa tu se toa).
We would like to wish you all the best in your future endeavours. May God continue to be your guide and refuge for all that is set before you, to walk through.
O ou mama na!