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MCIL; World Consumer Rights Day is an annual event, celebrating and marking solidarity with the international consumer movement and more importantly a reminder of the eight basic rights of all consumers and emphasizing that those rights be respected and protected.

Those eight (8) basic rights are;

  1. Right to safety
  2. Right to information
  3. Right to choose
  4. Right to representation
  5. Right to satisfaction of basic needs
  6. Right to redress
  7. Right to a healthy environment
  8. Right to consumer education

This year is the 22nd year since World Consumer Rights Day has been celebrated in Samoa and is commemorated every year on 15th March.

WCRD was first celebrated in Samoa in 1998 when the Government passed into law, the “Fair Trading Act 1998” with its objective of protecting the rights and interests of consumers. These rights have been subsequently updated and enhanced in the current Competition and Consumer Act (CCA) 2016.

The International theme for this year is “The Sustainable Consumer”. The Ministry acknowledges the international theme but preferably promoting its service in boosting awareness to all stakeholders (consumers/traders) to further enhance understanding of their obligatory roles and conduct inspections to ensure the rise in compliance of all traders. The awareness program targets traders and consumers in the whole of Savaii and will be held at the Apita o Pisaga Hall at Salelologa, Savaii.

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