SROS steps up to take over production
By: Asenati Taugasolo Semu
The Samoa Research Organization of Samoa (SROS) is taking matters into their own hands.
After years of lack of interest from the potential private investors for partnerships to commercialize some of SROS success stories which include the gluten floor and the Avocado Oil, SROS has been thrown a new life line, thanks to the Government’s COVID 19 Stimulus Package announced earlier this month by Finance Minister Sili EPA Tuioti.
The $66.3 million stimulus includes a $2.5 million allocation for SROS.
Acting CEO, Tuimaseve Kuinimeri Finau said the re-newed approach supported by Government will see SROS stepping up to take the production of flour and herbal tea to the commercial scale since no business has shown interest in this task.
The two products under SROS scanners include dehydrated products like flour and local herbal tea.
Tuimaseve also said that they have been tasked by Government to produce specified alcohol for the production of hand sanitizers.
Per budget statement, “the Scientific Research Organisation of Samoa (SROS) has been allocated a portion of this assistance for equipment and consumables required in the commercialization of some of our local value added agricultural processes like breadfruit flour, coconut oil, avocado margarine and others to substitute imports.