By: Nanai Taofiga Laveitiga Tuiletufuga
A consignment of medical and pharmaceutical supplies classified as part of Government’s preparations for the worse scenario should the COVID 19 infiltrates the country’s borders is under the microscope, Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi revealed during his weekly Taimi ma le Palemia Program with TV1 Samoa last night.
The shipment, approved by Cabinet this week will be flown in on a Special chartered flight designated for New Zealand citizens in Samoa wanting to return home.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, (MFAT) is the leading agency in the negotiations with their New Zealand counterparts via the New Zealand High Commissioner’s Office in Apia.
“It’s part and parcel of our preparations to expect the worse,” says the Prime Minister noting that the final details in terms of the volume and specifications of medical and pharmaceutical supplies in the consignment is being finalised by MFAT and the Ministry of Health.
The flight, says the Prime Minister will also be for evacuation purposes only for New Zealand citizens in Samoa returning home.
“Only New Zealand citizens will be allowed on board,” he reiterated.
Separately, the Prime Minister also revealed a second Medical evacuation flight also under negotiations for a Vanuatu teacher with the APTC at Vaivase.
The patient is a diabetic and the Emergency Bus and MFAT is leading the negotiations with the appropriate officials.
Said Prime Minister Tuilaepa;
“While protecting Samoa’s borders remains a top priority, Cabinet is also mindful of the risks especially when the lives of local residents are at stake.
“Under these trying circumstances, we can only hope for the best but at the same time we must also be prepared for the worse,” reiterated the Prime Minister.
The COVID19 Pandemic Response Situation Report compiled by NEOC reported that as of Wednesday 15th April 2020, there are no CONFIRMED case and zero Deaths in Samoa from the virus.
“To date, a total of 32 samples sent overseas for testing are ALL NEGATIVE for COVID-19 and there are no more pending samples.
Surveillance Response Teams
• : To date no more persons under investigation (PUI) for signs and symptoms of illness for COVID-19.
Other Surveillance Activities:
• Surveillance team continues to strengthen the enhanced syndromic surveillance for early detection of COVID-19 cases in particular reporting of influenza like illness (ILI) and severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) syndromes.