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By Nanai Taofiga Laveitiga Tuiletufug

As Government continues to tolerate the scorch from their political arch rivals again taking the longest serving Government in Office to the cleaners, Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi is hailed as a leader and a man of Wisdom, Authority and Righteousness (W.A; R).
The compliment posted on line over the weekend by Ketsu Leitu Mataafa comes in the heels of the latest politically loaded indictments which include accusations that Government is resorting to laundry money to stay financially afloat in order to repay the country’s rising external debts.
On that same note, the Government’s wisdom to secure soft term concessional loans from Samoa’s development partners to finance infrastructural projects is blamed by the critics as the main root of the outstanding debts.
A handful of these public projects under the lime light includes the Faleolo International Airport, the Ti’avea inter-Samoa Airport, the National Hospital at Moto’otua and other multi-storey buildings.

But it’s gullible, says PM Tuilaepa as he laughs off the claims by the Ex- Head of State and former Prime Minister Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Efi who has publicly demanded “cost benefits” to the public from government for the projects which are funded by the concessional loans.
“Time and time again, I have publicly addressed the country’s ability to meet all of its outstanding loans repayment and I urge my friend Tupua to ask the people how they have benefited from the HRPP’s labor of love since day one when we assumed office and inherited from him a Government that was financially embarrassed and broke,” refuted Tuilaepa.
“The 1981 strike by public servants from his short-lived term in office as PM continues to haunt the country and he has the audacity to demand this and that when he should say thank you HRPP for saving Samoa.”

For Tui Atua and the critics who are still doubting and belittling Government’s achievements, Tuilaepa was more than happy to list the spin-offs from the projects, which he says is more than a welcome boost to the local economy with new cash injections stimulating business activities and residents income power but have simultaneously aided Samoa’s growing Foreign Reserves and Gross Domestic Products.
“Not to mention creating new jobs for families to put food on the table and of course through these wise investments it has improve public service deliverance to our people,” he was quick to note. “I also hear that Tupua has demanded an answer from government if these huge buildings are eatable, (e aig’a gei fale?).

“Now I am beginning to worry because he made the same statements in the past inside and outside of Parliament when he was ousted as Prime Minister. I am seriously beginning to wonder if Tupua needs professional medical help considering his tender age.”
“I am also the least surprise with Tupua (Tui Atua’s) latest sit down comedy show littered with theories. It shows his desperate quests for public pity and redemption,” responded Tuilaepa as he addresses the money laundry fables.
“Through the Samoa International Finance Authority, (SIFA) tasked to monitor and supervise international financial services in and out of Samoa to ensure that there is no dubious transaction that would ruin the country’s financial reputation and image. And rest assured we are in compliance,” he continued. “SIFA also donated millions of their own revenues to the Manu Samoa and the Authority by the way is one of the leading players in the Invest Samoa Drive to attract new businesses to stimulate and complement our local economy,” clarified the Prime Minister. “New business investments translates to new job opportunities for families and of course fresh new source of financial injections to our Foreign Reserves and our Gross Domestic Product.”
On that note and as the longest serving Prime Minister in Samoa’s history, Tuilaepa is crediting Tupua’s short lived reign as Prime Minister for the birth of SIFA not to mention the VAGST.

Continued Tuilaepa from his experienced as a former Deputy with the Treasury Office and Minister of Finance;
“At the time while working with Treasury, then Minister of Finance Faaso’otauloa Sam Saili led the drive which resulted in the establishment by law of the first Off-Shore Center in Samoa.
“Even after a change of Government after HRPP members defected to form a coalition Government between the Vaai Kolone and Tupuola Efi, (Tui Atua) Faaso’otauloa remained steadfast. A true professional accountant, Faaso’otauloa went ahead to initiate reforms which resulted in the establishment of the first Off Shore Center (now known as the Samoa International Finance Authority), complimented the Prime Minister.
“The following General Elections when the Tofilau Eti Alesana led HRPP was reinstated by the audible political will and support of the people and as the Minister of Finance fully loaded with experience in financial reforms, budgeting, initiatives and the whole works from years as a diplomat and public servant, Prime Minister Tofilau accepted my pleas to pursue and develop the Offshore Center because it will benefit government and the country.

“Presently after vigorous years to fine tune law reform initiatives from the local front, SIFA is living evidence of that journey of trials and tribulations but at the same time SIFA remains under severe international scrutiny. Why do you think that from time to time, the European Union and other international sector stakeholders are persistent with their scorn for SIFA to beef up their monitoring and enforcement.
“Rest assured when I say that Government armed with the abundance of qualified and experienced Samoan graduates with SIFA as front liners protecting Samoa’s interest, claims by Tupua (Tui Atua) are not only insulting to these future Samoan decisions makers but reflects his poorly on Tupua.
Today, the Prime Minister says that he remains baffled why Tui Atua during his recent on line and media public sermons is absolutely silent all of a sudden and pretends to be oblivious to the Tumua and Pule VAGST Opposition Movement in the 1990’s witnessed by the country for almost five consecutive years via protest marches to Government.
“The VAGST is a Tupua (Tui Atua) initiative tabled and approved by Parliament along with the Offshore Center as part of his financial reform package,” recalled Tuilaepa noting that when the Coalition Government between Vaai Kolone and Tupua as the Deputy Prime Minister fumbled after the next General Elections, the overly publicized VAGST protest by Tumua and Pule gave birth with Tupua labeled widely as the brainchild.

“They “Tumua ma Pule” staged protest marches for over four years condemning the VAGST tax policy but the HRPP caucus under Tofilau Eti’s leadership didn’t move an inch maintaining its silence because the HRPP believed that the VAGST was fair and equitable for all residents despite the agonizing fact that it’s a decent inheritance from our predecessors,” reminisced the incumbent Prime Minister.
He acknowledged that through vigilance and patience the VAGST is now one of the major contributors generating valuable government revenues.
Looking back to those trying years when Samoa was bankrupt and in civil unrest, Tuilaepa notes that Tui Atua of today continues to refuse to accept his failures and short comings as a Prime Minister and retired Head of State.

“He has out lived his tactics to incite public animosity towards the leaders of the day,” elaborated the Prime Minister. “He did that in attempts to out seat Tofilau Eti when he was ousted as Prime Minister and the same with the Tumua ma Pule Movement and has returned with the same song and dance. And from his tone, he appears to acting as the Self-elected spokesman for the limping Opposition to Government. On that note, I urge my friend Tupua to save himself from further unnecessary embarrassment by resigning gracefully,” Tuilaepa advised.

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