By: Asenati Taugasolo Semu
The establishment of the ‘Nafanua Pure Products’ company is a long term vision by Government to produce and export secondary products processed by the Scientific Research Organisation of Samoa (SROS) at Nafanua.
And it is not unfolding and will become a reality in the coming months, declares Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi during the first round of on sight visits by the Cabinet Development Committee which he chairs.
“SROS,” recalls Tuilaepa was the brainchild of Government as the scientific arm targeting our agricultural crops as raw materials to develop new products for exports and our local markets.
“It was designed for SROS to take the lead and secure commercial partnership with our private sector.
“Government (via SROS) has delivered her mandate but our Private Sector have not been forthcoming.
“To that effect, the Nafanua Pure Products Company is established not to compete with our Private Sector but to facilitate and work with our business entrepreneurs to process and secure viable export markets for Samoa Made products from our agricultural crops.”
And the spin-offs noted the Prime Minister starts from the farmers supplying the crops, new jobs to sustainable food security, minimize reliance on exports and stimulate the economy.
“The benefits are endless,” he added.
“SROS over the years have delivered as expected with products such as the Samoan Whiskey with taro as one of the main ingredients, the gluten free breadfruit flour, cooking oil from avocado and more….”noted Tuilaepa onsite during the CDC visit.
He added that despite all these successes, the private sector have yet to come to the table to take advantage of the commercialization opportunities.
“This is why Government is taking up the role to do the commercialization work, with SROS’s partner in the mass production of these goods,” he added.
SROS’ Chief Executive Officer, Seuseu Dr. Joseph Tauati said by this time next year, the commercialization process should be rolling.
He said these products were long developed by SROS but the commercialization work is long overdue for these products to be sold in our shops and supermarkets.
And to assist, SROS was injected with $2.5 million funding from Government in March this year through the COVID 19 stimulus package to start up this company.
In the meantime, SROS is continuing with its mandates.
Elaborated Seuseu;
“Research on hundreds of Samoan plants and marine organisms for their potential cancer-curing properties is ongoing.
“Our antidiabetic research and screening of Samoa plants as well as marine samples and also antimicrobial resistance (AMR) which is a global problem, resulting from when antibiotics are no longer effective against infectious bacteria is proceeding.
“And our scientists are also conducting pesticides residues analyses; and also environment and renewable energy research.”
SROS Vision and Mission
Vision: “Achieving a significant improvement in Samoa’s GDP and social benefits through research and the development of value adding to Samoa’s goods and services.”
Mission: “To conduct scientific research and development technologies of great value in the sustainable development of value added goods and services for export, and to achieve reduction in fuel imports and greenhouse gas emission.”
Key Objectives
1. To promote the national economy of Samoa based on research and development.
2. To undertake scientific and technical research with the primary aim of adding value to local resources.
3. To develop functional prototypes of products and processes based on scientific and technical research for the local or overseas markets.
4. To establish partnership with the private sector and commercial interests to support the Organization’s activities
5. To ensure effective training for researchers and technical research
6. Augment and effectively manage financial and human resources of the Organization