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By Nanai Taofiga Laveitiga Tuiletufuga

Inter-island travel to repatriate Samoan and American Samoans citizens between the two Samoas will commence on Thursday, Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi announced via Radio 2AP live streamed on Facebook Tuesday evening by Savali.

The Cabinet decision approved by the Ao Mamalu ole Malo Afioga Tuimalealiifano Vaaletoa Sualauvi II late last night, is for repatriation purposes only and designated for returning citizens of the two countries, Tuilaepa stressed.
For Samoan citizens returning home via the territory, it is compulsory that they remain in American Samoa for 14 days before the day of departure to Samoa. For example, for a Samoan citizen on his or her way back to Samoa via the territory, they must remain in the American Samoa 14 days prior to departure from Pago Pago to Faleolo International Airport.

Another amendment to the State of Emergency Orders revealed by the Prime Minister will see the 14 day quarantine mandate for all returning Samoan residents arrivals relaxed for travellers from American Samoa. “Because American Samoa remains COVID-19 free as of now, the 14 day quarantine mandate for arriving passengers from American Samoa is temporarily suspended until further notice,” elaborated Tuilaepa. “On that note, Cabinet will shut down inter-island travel between the two Samoans once American Samoa opens her borders with Hawaii, period,” reiterated the Prime Minister noting that the precaution is based on the latest data which showed that the United States continues to have the highest number of fatalities and confirmed cases and escalating as of yesterday evening.

Inter-island ferry services between the two Samoa’s to resurrect trade and passenger services will also resume on Thursday and the same conditions applies.
Elaborated the Prime Minister;
“Be warned, Cabinets decision should not be taken lightly because the minute, we have a confirmed COVID-19 case on island, our borders will be shut down immediately.”

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