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By: Nanai Taofiga Laveitiga Tuiletufuga

Minister of Information, Communication Technology, Afamasaga Rico Tupai is paying no attention to critics undermining the spin offs enjoyed by the country this far from the Government’s multi-million tala investment in the ICT Sector via the Tui Samoa Cable and other international Fibre optic cables connecting Samoa to the world.
Compared Samoa today to a decade ago, mobile phone coverage is in the 90% neighborhood. And the Government’s E-Economy Drive is slowly and surely becoming a reality, says Afamasaga.

As for costs, he assured Parliament this week that compared to our neighboring countries Samoa by far is more affordable.
For example, he noted that the New Zealand buying price for 4GB is NZ$40 compared to Samoa’s buying price for 10GB of $20 tala.
Also he noted that the School Net connectivity has reached 200 schools in the country through the Samoa National Broadband Highway, (SNBH) another Government initiative.
The SNBH connectivity will be expanded to the Health Sector which means instant connectivity between hospitals around the country, added Afamasaga noting that the COVID-19 pandemic is the cause of delays in arrival of resources and computer hardware to the expansion to the Medical Sector.
“There is also potential to have their service available for other public services such as immigration,” he was quick to add.
“The Governments ICT investment is beginning to bring economic and social benefits to Samoa with significantly more reliable and affordable internet connectivity,” continued the ICT Minister.

“Two companies, one specializing in Accounting Services for huge corporate companies overseas and a Call Center investor have express interest.
“The improved connectivity is also supporting the country’s businesses and tourism sectors and enable improve access to information on health, education and job opportunities.
“It has also help families stay connected with thousands of their relatives overseas.”

With more than one Fibre optic cable connected to Samoa, Afamasaga says that it will mean sufficient capacity to improve global internet connectivity and bring a wealth of benefits such as;
• Enhanced scope for e-health with better New Zealand and Australian connections
• The Health Sector will have real time access to experts overseas on how to treat patients
• Improved access to education on line, with the potential for better linkage with USP campuses around the region through the new high capacity cable which will link Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu with Samoa.
In a nutshell, Afamasaga says that all in all, the benefits enjoyed by Samoa today from the Government’s ICT vision and investment is the “beginning of better and bigger things to come.”
The MCIT’s Budget submission for the new Fiscal Year commencing July 1st includes;
Significant expenditure programs of the Ministry for the new fiscal year includes:
• $1.7 million for the co-location lease as well as associated utility costs for the SNBH infrastructures;
The Ministry is also working in close collaboration with our development partners in the implementation of key projects for the sector of the which the largest is:
• $6.4 million for the Samoa Connectivity Project under the auspices of the World Bank and the Government of Australia;

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