By: Nanai Taofiga Laveitiga Tuiletufuga
The 300 plus Samoa seafarers working abroad on the Mediterranean Shipping Company, (MSC) fleet are all safe and not a single one to date has contracted the COVID19 virus.
Announcing the reassurances publicly via Parliament Monday this week, the Minister in charge of the Samoa Shipping Services, (SSS) Papali’itele Unasa Niko Lee Hang also denounced the faked news and intrusion from overseas insinuating that the Samoan sailors’ lives are in jeopardy and Government is deaf to their pleas for repatriation.
Except for 57 sailors employed by MSC on their cruise ships, the rest of the Samoan seafarers contracts are still active and on the payroll.
“Contrary to the fake news circulating on the social media, our sailors not in any immediate danger from the pandemic,” reaffirmed Papaliitele. “MSC is also providing free medical services and check up for the sailors,” the Minister told the House adding that 57 sailors with expired contracts are the safest place to be with the COVID19 still at large.
“They (57 Samoan sailors) since the COVID19 was officially declared as a pandemic remain quarantine on their respective cruise ships free at no cost which includes three meals a day and medical checks ups,” said the Minister. “On that note, I commend and applaud the Mediterrean Shipping Company for their humanitarian hearts noting that Samoa is the only country afforded the privilege for our Samoan sailors.”
“To evacuate the 57 sailors home is a life and death risk as they will be vulnerable to exposure via transit,” added Papali’itele. “Secondly, the chances of being stranded on the way home due to strict border regulations by overseas Governments is another key factor.”
“To the families of all our seafarers, rest assured that as soon as it’s safe for your sons to come home, Government will take actions to repatriate them,” said Papali’itele.
He assured that the SSS is in daily contact with the Samoan sailors and MSC headquarters to ensure all of the Samoans sailors’ safety.
“I urge you to pay no mind to the Social Media fake news. With our internet capacity, you also have access to personally receive reassurances from your sons working overseas.
Without naming any parties, Papaliitele also refuted the instruction from overseas lobbying to repatriate the Samoans home despite repeated reassurances that SSS is acting the best interest and safety of all the sailors. “In my view, these attempts is for their own gains to attract international attention at the expense of causing unnecessary emotional panic on relatives especially the seafarers’ parents,” Papali’itele continued.
“Rest assured, SSS is doing everything in the best interest of our Samoan seafarers’ and as soon as we see that it’s safe for them to return, Government will take the appropriate actions to do so,” he concluded.
Of the 322 plus Samoan sailors abroad, 250 are employed on cruise ships with the rest working on container vessels.