By: Nanai Taofiga Laveitiga Tuiletufuga
The Office of the Electoral Commission, (OEC) is proceeding with plans for the Gagaifomauga #3 constituency by-election now that the Speaker of Parliament Leaupepe Toleafoa Faafisi has issued a warrant declaring the seat vacant.
Registration for the constituent’s new eligible voters and those yet to register since the last General Elections is schedule to start Wednesday as a lead up to the upcoming by-election. Electoral Commissioner Faimalomatumua Mathew Lemisio told Savali.
The voters’ registration will close July 31st before a date is set to accept registration of electoral candidates for the by-elections, he added.
The process will also include a legal review by the OEC Commissioner to determine if the candidates are eligible to contest the by-election.
However if by the close of the registration and subsequent Commissioner’s legal review if need should there are no contenders, the by-election under law will be postponed by three months.
Faimalomatumua says that if this is the case than the Gagaifomauga #3 by-election will not take place due to the principal Electoral Act which mandates for no by-elections taking place six months prior to the General Elections,
However if there is one candidate, he or she will be officially declared as the uncontested winner and become the next Member of Parliament for Gagaifomauga #3.
The Electoral Constituency to date has a voter’s enrollment of over 1,400.