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 “Under these difficult conditions, we are responding as best as we possibly can with the resources that we have on island,” Leausa Dr. Take Naseri Ministry of Health Chief Executive Officer.

By: Joshua Lafoai

Contrary to the Samoa Observer’s “misleading headline” that there is No Coronavirus plan, the Samoa COVID 19 Response Plan framework exists and responsible for the Response Strategy by Government which has successfully kept Samoa COVD19 free this far, says the Ministry of Health’s Chief Executive Leausa Take Naseri.

 “There is a plan,” reiterated Leausa. “The framework is a guiding document which has resulted in the enforcement of Border Security, Surveillances and Response Measures which are already in effect and have all contributed to keeping Samoa COVID19 free.”

Leausa says that Cabinet is informed in a timely fashion during emergency Cabinet meetings which include weekend meetings “to review all the developments and actions prior to implementation.”

(For the reader’s information, MoH is the implementing agency approved by the State of Emergency Orders.  And the National Emergency Operation Center (NEOC) is designated as the focal point providing collaboration and operational coordination amongst all stakeholders, with advice and technical guidance from the MoH.  That means that MoH is in charge and can implement appropriate actions subject to Cabinet approval to ensure that Samoa remains safe from the virus.)

The MoH Chief reiterated that the Plan’s framework has successful implemented a number of effective measures which include strict travel advisories and regulations for all incoming visitor including Samoans and initiated the Surveillance and Response Unit for contact tracing and monitoring, he said.

And anticipating the worse to come, Leausa explained that he had also shared with the media a few worse case scenarios.

For instance, should Samoa record’s her first confirmed COVID19, he or she will be immediately isolated from densely populated areas for quarantine and for treatment.  And in a worst case scenario, Tafaigata is the designated location for mass burial and morgue.

 “We are keeping a vigil that it will not happen but we must prepare for a worst case scenario,” said the MoH Chief.

Health workers are also getting specialized training on line from the Massey University in New Zealand on how to prepare and respond to a COVID19 outbreak.

And he notes that the Observer’s “unqualified opinion” that there is no COVID19 Plan by MoH is based on their misleading misinterpretation that Samoa will not be preparing contact tracing mechanisms or lockdown changes anytime soon.

“As I told the media during the Press Conference, for the entire Pacific Region only 19,000 tests are available to be distributed among the islands including Samoa.  Why? Because the supplying countries overseas are prioritizing their own needs to protect their own people,” explained the MoH CEO.

“Under these difficult conditions, we are responding as best as we possibly can with the resources that we have on island,” he told the Savali News. “And I even asked the Samoa Observer’s reporter as a media practitioner for her recommendations at one point in time during the Press Conference and she didn’t have an answer.”

In the meantime, MoH with the National Emergency Operation Center has concentrated its preventative measures with strict Border restrictions which has kept Samoa COVID19 free.

 “Contact tracing response team are mobilized as soon as there is a suspected case complemented by follow up medical checkups until we have the situation under control.

 “Hard decisions have to be made and it’s not easy for some to accept these decisions but we have faith in our stringent COVID19 Response Strategy enforcing tough border control regulations and efficient response actions which has so far kept our country safe,” he told the Savali News.

He says that the primary objective of the COVID19 response strategy from the beginning and still a priority is protecting the country’s borders because this is the only window of opportunity for the virus to enter Samoa.

However Medical Chief was quick to note that if the current status of Samoa with COVID19 does take a sudden turn for the worst, Government via the MoH and National Emergency Operation Center are prepared.

 “The objective would be to isolate confirmed cases to remote and isolated locations away from populated areas,” he said.

Medical staff is also undergoing routine training and at the same time responding to issues which have surfaced during the SOE coupled with the monitoring and surveillance of hundreds of Samoans repatriated from overseas.

He noted that Samoa is probably the first country in the region to have prepared and responded almost immediately when the COVID19 threat was imminent.

“When the outbreak occurred in December, we started monitoring our borders and in January we started closing our borders, even sent back some people,” he stated.

“We are closely monitoring the situation in Auckland with a lot of concern and we take our every step with caution,” he said.

Leausa reminded that in the early days of January, Samoa responded rigorously investigating flight patterns that passengers came to Samoa in.

“Some coming from Singapore through Australia and New Zealand, even some from Fiji, were all sent back to quarantine for 14 days,” he said.

“All this, we did to accomplish the objective, keep Samoa COVID19 free,” he added.

“Lastly I take this opportunity to remind the Samoa Observer that it is their ethical duty to inform not to inflame. It’s the least that they can do.”

To date the 12 countries without infections are as follows;

North Korea


Solomon Islands


Samoa, Kiribati

Federated States of Micronesia


Marshal Islands




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