By: Joshua Lafoai
“A healthy body, is a healthy mind.”
That’s the motto behind the partnership between the National Kidney Foundation (NFK) and the Ministry of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (MPMC).
It’s not just a word on paper initiative though. The NKF and MPMC held a special health clinic at the Government Headquarters with specialized doctors and nurses combing through the 104 MPMC staff.
The MPMC Principal Human Resources Officer, Muta’aga Isara says the Ministry places heavy emphasis on taking care of the health of employees.
“We believe in that saying, ‘A healthy body has a healthy mind,” so we totally support healthy living, healthy eating and daily exercises,” she said.
Mrs. Isara went on to quote famed English writer William Londen, “To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.”
It has been three years since the NKF and MPMC had established the partnership.
“Partnership with NKF is very important because, it ensures that protection health measures are carried out and it is very important to detect early and take active measures now, ourselves before we reach a stage where it would be too late,” Isara added.
Isara says three years down working with the kidney foundation, and she hopes it keeps growing and becomes a more utilized partnership.
The clinic is manned by a staff of seven nurses and doctors.
The National Kidney Foundation was founded in 2005 and regulated by the National Kidney Foundation act of 2005.