By: Nanai Taofiga Laveitiga Tuiletufuga
Father Patolo Talo Matiasi, the priest who led the Vaiusu Catholic Church Mass Service Sunday has described the Samoa Observer’s front page story headlined, “Police enforce S.O.E. orders: remove churchgoers as the “work of fiction.”
“One church service that was disrupted on Sunday was the Vaiusu Catholic Church with the Samoa Observer witnessing a group of Police officers walking in and moving out churchgoers after they did a headcount of the congregation,” the article stated.
But Father Patolo who led the Mass Services on the Sunday in question has rubbished the claim, saying Police were never at the church before, during and after the Mass and the claim that they moved out churchgoers is untrue and fictitious. “There were no Police at our Mass Service on Sunday,” he attested. “And if there were no police, how can they remove churchgoers from the Mass.”
He also dismissed claims that he was not available for comment as the service continued after the Police officers’ visit.
“I was not aware that Police were at the Mass Service because there weren’t any before, during and after,” refuted Father Patolo. “And after reading the article, I even asked members of the Congregation if any of the Samoa Observer people were there or had asked for a comment and they all said no.”
He also questioned the front page photo accompanying the article. “That’s is not from our parish. The photo was taken elsewhere and printed to mislead the readers. It’s unethical and unprofessional.”
The photo has been verified as taken a year ago from a different event and not last Sunday.
He said that he called the newspaper’s office Monday afternoon and was reassured by the woman receptionists that a Correction and Apology would be issued.
Father Patolo who has been in charge of the Catholic Parish at Vaiusu, Lepea and Tuamua says that the article is a huge discredit to the Ministry of Police and their diligent enforcement not to mention undermine the country’s leaders efforts to protect Samoa from the COVID19.
And he is advising the newspaper and reporters to “report facts and not fiction.”
Father Patolo came forward on his own will to the Savali after reading the article.
Security guard at the church Patau Fogavaiusu also contacted the Savali to dismiss the Samoa Observer’s saying that the Parish had their normal Mass at 8:30am without any interference by Police.