By: Nanai Taofiga Laveitiga Tuiletufuga
The amendment to the Electoral Act passed by Parliament yesterday has closed the door for MP’s to switch political allegiance and to remain loyal to their parties for a full Parliamentary term.
And it’s the ultimate law of righteousness, (Tulafono ole Amio Tonu) declares Government leader and Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi.
He told Parliament that past experiences have seen the country suffer the collateral damage from the power struggle in the House after the country voted them into office.
The Prime Minister recalled that in the early HRPP days, four Prime Ministers were sworn into office in one year after the General Elections while the country’s economy was in ruins.
But with the amendment, the Prime Minister says that it ensure stability on the decision making level to avoid a repeat of history. He says that it will also reinstate the voters’ ownership on their choice of who would be their voice in Parliament and not at the MP’s whim to switch allegiances for political gains.
The Prime Minister went on to note that the new mandate to the Electoral Act is in the best interest of the country and the voters and it will also ensure that stability is maintained.
The amendment to the Electoral Act prohibits MP’s from departing their parties to become Independent MPs during their tenure in office. And by-elections will be called if any MP decides to abort ship.
Except for a short time in 1982 and during the time of the Coalition Government in 1986–87, the ruling Human Rights Protection Party (HRPP) has run Samoa since 1982.
Among the attributes of HRPP rule is its ability to maintain stability in the country.