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PRESS RELEASE: October 2020

Live It Nation, Inc. has launched its 1st Annual Poetry Contest for Secondary School students in Samoa.

The Poetry Contest was announced on Live It Nation’s social media platform by a youth ambassador of the organization detailing the contest rules and regulations on September 23rd. The contest runs until December 3rd.

Live It Nation’s founder, Fred Young, says that “Literacy is a fundamental component of the success of our youth in Samoa.

It is my hope that the Live Nation Poetry contest inspires students to read and write more, use their imagination to express themselves in creative and extraordinary ways and have fun competing with other secondary students around the nation.”

Mr. Young also stated that the response has been excellent. “It is exciting to see the response that we have received from the youth of Samoa and the education sector. We hope to partner with stakeholders across Samoa in the future on our education initiatives and projects.”

The Poetry Contest is exclusively for Secondary School students that reside in Samoa.

Students can submit one (1) original poem that must incorporate one of the following themes: Sports, Culture, Education, Health/Environment. Poems can be submitted in either English or Samoan.

There will be three winners selected and one winner will be announced in the months of October, November and December. Each winner will receive $1000 Tala, Live It Nation merchandise and the winning poems will be published.

Entry Details:
 Email poem to: or
 DM poem to Live It Nation Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter
 Must Include with your Entry: Your Name, Village, Secondary School, and Phone Number
 Winners to be announced Friday October 23rd, Friday November 13th, Friday December 4th

Visit Facebook or Instagram @LXINation for more information

Live It Nation, Inc is a non-profit organization that supports communities through innovative initiatives, and funding micro-projects that create synergies for macro-impact.

Live It Nation is a way of life. It is a way of coming together. It is a way of supporting one another.

It is the right way to live.

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