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The following is in response to allegations that the government owned Savali Newspaper is not giving a fair chance to other political parties during the General Election campaign in terms of news coverage.
The allegations were made by the Faatuatua I le Atua Samoa ua Tasi, (FAST) Political Party and a government response was requested by Samoa Observer’s reporter Soli Wilson.

For the reader’s information, the same allegations have been duly addressed by Prime Minister and Savali Newspaper Minister Tuilaepa Dr. Sailele Malielegaoi in the video program Palota Tele 2021 posted on the Savali Facebook Page, You Tube Channel and twitter.

And a response to the Samoa Observer dated 27th October 2020 is printed verbatim.

Talofa Soli,

I have been tasked by CEO Agafili Tomaimano Shem Leo to respond to your inquiries pertaining to allegations that the Savali Newspaper is not giving a fair chance to other political parties in terms of news coverage.

This is not a new issue and was again recently raised by Olo Fiti Vaai and Faumuina Wayne Fong via their weekly interview with the EFKS TV.

And to that extend, Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi had addressed these allegations extensively.

I would suggest for you to view the video clippings (Titled; Palota Tele 2021) posted on the Government of Samoa and Savali News Facebook pages and You Tube Pages which would be more than sufficient to address your inquiry.

Savali and the Government Press Secretariat which are under the Press Communication Division, (PCD) in case you may have not noticed, is one of the Prime Minister’s portfolios in his capacity as Minister of the Ministry of Prime Minister and Cabinet, (MPMC) that oversees PCD.

And PCD’s vision is to ensure that information sharing to all our stakeholders is performed in a timely fashion and that the information is accurate.

This is in line with the Government as a whole approach by the Ministry and driven by the three MPMC’s pillars for a well governed, well secured and well informed Samoa.

The ultimate mission is for our people worldwide to make informed decisions based on facts as reiterated by the Prime Minister in his video respond to Olo and Faumuina’s allegations.

On a separate note, PCD has also evolved with the changes with the time in terms of modern technology.

We have taken advantage of technology to successfully launch numerous platforms provided by the Savali and Press Secretariat today which includes on-line daily and regular posts via email, social media, You Tube and twitter.

Lastly for your information, Savali’s presence at today’s Press Conference by the FAST Political Party was by invitation.

It was the first official invitation from the political party since its establishment. And I note the same invite was also circulated to all media outlets.


Nanai Taofiga Laveitiga Tuiletufuga

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