(GOVT. PRESS SECRETARIAT); At its Special Meeting
on Friday 27th November 2020 Cabinet approved new compulsory regulations for residents returning from overseas on repatriation flights.
Effective Friday, it is mandatory for all returning Samoans on repatriation flights to sign a declaration to verify if he or she had contracted the COVID19 or not before they are allowed into the country.
Those found violating the new mandate is subject to face legal repercussions prescribed by law.
Compulsory medical tests and health regulations dictated by the Travel Advisory are also re-enforced.
In addition Cabinet also approved for priority to be given to returning residents from New Zealand and Samoan students who have completed scholarship studies in Australia on two flights scheduled for the 4th and 7th of December.
Repatriation flights for Samoans in Fiji including scholarship students, missionary workers, etc. are being organized with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade taking the lead as the implementing agency.
For more information concerning all repatriation flights please contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade at Phone 21-171 during working hours.