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Rev. Opeta Ioapo
Honorable Members of Cabinet
Members of Parliament
Members of the Diplomatic Corp
Chief Executive Officers
Families and friends
Ladies and Gentlemen

It is my pleasure to welcome you to this graduation ceremony and I have the privilege to address you all on this special occasion. I thank you for your presence here today to recognize and honor our recruit fire fighters on their achievements.

Today’s ceremony is a milestone occasion for the Authority as it is one of the largest intakes with 22 males and 9 females from both islands of Upolu and Savaii. It is also the first time that women representation has surpassed the 10% mark of the intakes which reflects the government’s support of equal opportunities for both men and women.

The role of the Authority over the past several years has expanded significantly as natural disasters and emergencies continue to raise with health crisis that affect the world and our small nation Samoa. The graduation this morning therefore reflects the Government’s support of the Authority’s work as a first responder through increased fire fighters who are trained physically and mentally to save lives and properties.

Over 11 weeks, 31 fire fighters commenced their training and have finished the race. As recruit fire fighters, your task ahead will not be an easy one and you will require strength, courage, determination and commitment to serve the people of Samoa. Receiving your certificates, does not signal an end but rather the beginning of a long journey. You will be called to serve our people and our country in times of emergencies and our people will rely on you to provide the assistance that is required of you.

I acknowledge the support of our development partners and our partner agencies, who play a role in building the capacities of our staff. Thank you to the parents and families of the graduating fire fighters. Your support for the last 11 weeks has made this event possible.

To the graduating fire fighters, this is your day and I congratulate you all on your achievements.

Soifua ma ia manuia.

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