1. Further to the Ministry’s public notice dated 7th July 2020 which specified the Ministry’s approval to allow the future importation of canned pork and pork products (“products”) from countries having the presence of African swine fever (“ASF”), the public is hereby advised that the importation of these products from ASF affected countries is suspended until further notice.
2. The importation of these products from countries which are ASF free is exempted from this suspension.
3. Based on scientific evidence relied upon by the Ministry, the virus that causes ASF in pigs does not affect the health of humans, and therefore the following canned pork products already in Samoa that were approved by the Ministry are safe for consumption:
a) Deli Pork Luncheon meat;
b) Tasi Pork Luncheon meat;
c) Kings Choice Pork Luncheon; and
d) Uncle Sam Pork Luncheon meat.
4. All other brands of canned pork products in Samoa that have not been approved by the Ministry are not allowed to be sold.
5. The Ministry strongly advises that all empty cans from the above-listed products must be safely disposed of and avoid feeding scrap meat from these products to pigs.
6. This notice is made pursuant to section 33 of the Quarantine (Biosecurity) Act 2005, and the Ministry’s continuous efforts on monitoring and prevention measures to protect the welfare of Samoa’s piggery resource, from the potential spread of ASF which will devastate our local pork industry.
7. For more information on this notice, please contact the Ministry’s Quarantine Division on telephone number 20924 or contact my office directly on 22171.
Thank you.
Tilafono David Hunter
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER – Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries – Samoa
Dated this 30th day of November 2020