I bring you warm greetings and glad tidings in the Name of Jesus Christ. His Name is above all other names. He is Emanuel, the promised Messiah, the Alpha and Omega.
Our journey throughout this year has been turbulent and trying, but our faith through our prayers, supplications and thanksgiving continues to shape our endurance and existence. Let us praise and bless the Lord, for He has been so good to Samoa.
Despite the global challenges brought forth by the unprecedented impacts of COVID 19, our sour experience of the measles last year, and the flash flooding last week in many parts of Apia City and its peripheries, we remain thankful that Samoa has been spared from being affected by the virus and the two recent tropical cyclones in the Pacific.
I acknowledge with sincere gratitude the contribution of church leaders of different denominations in Samoa. Your persistence in fasting and prayers enabled our country to press on, regardless of the mounting adversaries we have been encountering this year. Your support in working closely with the government through the National Council of Churches on many facets of our country’s social and spiritual wellbeing is highly appreciated.
I thank our country and all our people for continuing to work together for a prosperous, safe and a peaceful Samoa. I would also like to thank all our children for another successful year of studies. Undoubtedly, there have been many accomplishments this year. All have exercised their God given talents, creativity, passion and commitment to contribute to the wellbeing of our country. Thank you for all that you have done for Samoa.
I also acknowledge the elderlies in our communities and all leaders in various facets of the country’s governance. Your wealth of knowledge and divine wisdom have been instrumental in the planning and the implementation of many developments nationwide. I praise God for you all.
I thank the Samoan diaspora around the globe, for continuing to provide for their families at home. Your contributions and support to your families and relatives in Samoa have been strongly evident in the recent economic figures for Samoa. I would also like to thank our development partners for their invaluable contributions in the development of Samoa.
The year has drawn near its end, and we look ahead to the New Year on what the Lord has in store for us. May we continue to dwell in the comfort of his presence, love and peace. Let us celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ – the Prince of Peace who was born on Christmas Day, to defeat the power of the devil and set us upon the rock of our salvation and eternal life.
God bless you all
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Samoa.