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JOINT Press Release:

From Ministry of Customs and Revenue (MCR) and Ministry of Police & Prison (MPP), 23rd December 2020


On the Tuesday, 22nd December 2020, the Joint K9 Unit of the MCR and the MPP together with the Border Operations Customs officers made a joint operation to combat illicit narcotics which is a historical drug bust when they intercepted two separate shipments containing more than 2000grams of marijuana and more than 500grams of methamphetamine imported from the United States of America.

The marijuana were concealed inside seven (7) Laundry Powder and one (1) can of Stax whilst the methamphetamine was concealed inside one (1) box of cereal.

The more than fourteen hour operation took place at the Customs Headquarters at Matautu-tai.

An official hand-over of custody of the illicit drugs intercepted took place at the Customs Office between the CEO/Comptroller of the MCR and Police Commissioner of the MPP, this afternoon, 23rd December 2020.

MCR and MPP confirm that the investigation into this historical drug bust will continue as well as the joint efforts to combat illicit narcotics.

The MPP now continues further investigation and legal work on these illicit goods and a joint legal case will be filed as soon as investigation and evidence are finalized.

As both Ministries’ investigations are ongoing, specific details on names of shipping company, shipping agent and importer(s) are withheld at the moment.   

The Public is again reminded that as we head into the Festive Season, that despite SOE restrictions, the work for border security and and community safety is ongoing, and this sort of offending will not be tolerated. Both Ministries will continue to work collaboratively for the security of Samoa and its communities.

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