We have received a number of complaints from the public regarding agents for some Candidates, who are handing out forms to voters eligible to pre-poll with the intention to use this opportunity to induce those voters to vote for the particular candidate, these agents represent.
The OEC sees this as a real threat to the integrity of the Pre-Polling process and has decided to suspend accepting anymore Pre-Polling Forms starting today, Wednesday 17th February 2021.
The Office will create another “OFFICIAL PRE-POLLING FORM” which the staff of OEC will distribute to the eligible voters around the country, starting Monday 22nd February 2021.
This will ensure that voters eligible to pre-poll and their rights to choose who to vote for are not compromised.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
We will post on this forum our team’s distribution schedule before the end of this week.
Ma le ava tele,
Electoral Commission
Talu ai le tele o faitioga ua o’o mai i le Ofisa nei e fa’atatau i Komiti a nisi o Sui Tauva o lo’o ta’amilo i totonu o Itumalo Fa’a Palota ma Forms mo le Palota Muamua ma avea ai ma tulaga ua latou fa’aoga ai lea tulaga e fa’atosina ai tagata palota. O le mafuaaga lea, e amata atu ai i le aso, Aso Lulu 17 o Fepuari 2021 o le a le toe taliaina e le Ofisa se Form e tu’uina mai mo le Palota muamua.
O le a galulue le Ofisa i le toe tapenaina o se “OFFICIAL PRE-POLLING FORM” ona ta’amilo atu lea o le tatou Ofisa i Itumalo Fa’apalota uma o le atunu’u mai le Aso Gafua, 22 Fepuari 2021 mo le tufatufaina atu o nei Forms mo le fa’atumuina e le mamalu o le atunu’u e agava’a ma toe ao mai ai ina ia mautinoa lava e malu puipuia o le fa’asologa o le Faiga Palota muamua.
E fa’amalulu atu ai i le mamalu o le atunu’u i lea tulaga.
Faia ma le fa’aaloalo tele,
Ofisa o le Komisi o Faiga Palota