– Recent IMF’s WEO published in January 2021 point to a 5.5% recovery in the global economy for 2021, from the 2020 COVID-19 adversely impacted -3.5% global contraction.
– This positive outlook is driven by high expectations of a strong rebound in economic activities as the vaccines becoming widely available however, risks remain elevated.
– The new COVID-19 variants present risks and uncertainty on the global recovery as restrictions/national lockdowns may be re-imposed.
Of Samoa’s main trading partners, the latest available economic releases point to:
• US economy growing by 4.1% in Q4 2020, slowing down from a record of 33.4% expansion in Q3 due to effects of COVID 19. For the full year 2020, real GDP contracted 3.5%, its worst economic performance since 1946. The inflation rate has remained at 1.4% in January 2021 while the unemployment rate dropped slightly.
• Australian economy recovered 3.3% in Q3 2020 following 2 consecutive quarterly contractions, boosted by a resumption in economic activities as COVID-19 restrictions were eased across the country.
• NZ economy rebounded strongly by 14% in the September 2020 quarter after its first recession in years with a 12.2% economic reduction in Q2. The inflation rate was unchanged at 1.4% in December 2020 while employment rate fell to 4.9% from 5.3% in the September quarter.
Global inflation continue to be subdued. While projections are for a possible pick up in inflationary pressures as economic activities recover, inflation rates are projected to generally moderate below most central bank’s targets of 1.5%. On the other hand, the inflation rates in developing economies are projected to drop due to reduced supply-side pressures.
Overall, most central banks are continuing with their easing monetary policies to support their respective economies.
1. The government’s net financial position at end January 2021 recorded a huge surplus of $68.19 million (to $330.76 million).
2. On exchange rates, the average nominal value of the Tala in the first 7 months to January 2021 fell by 0.1% when compared to the same period last year.
3. The banking system’s average liquidity in the first 7 months to January 2021 increased by 9% (or $26.78 million) to $321.08 million compared to its average level in the same period last year.
4. The overall weighted average yield on CBS securities (or official interest rate) remained at 0.15%. Commercial banks’ weighted average deposit rate increased to 2.56% from 2.46% last year while the weighted average lending rate dropped to 8.54% from 8.88% in January 2020.
5. The annual rate of commercial bank credit grew by 2.5% lower than its growth rate of 5.6% at end January 2020.
6. Overall total money supply (M2) rose by $59.07 million in January 2021 to $1,290.073 million compared to the same month of last year.
7. Due to the closure of Samoan borders, there were no visitor arrivals and earnings in the 7 months to January 2021.
8. Private remittances increased by 9.5% to $362.88 million compared to the same period last year.
9. Total earning dropped by 32.1% to $55.61 million over the same period last year.
10. Import payments contracted by 14.1% to $475.37 million in first 7 months to January 2021. Merchandise trade deficit narrowed by 11% to $419.76 million in first 7 months of 2020/21 compared to the same period of last year.
11. Balance of payments posted a surplus of $137.87 million (to $754.05 million). The gross official reserves was sufficient to cover 11.7 months of imports.
12. The average volume of agricultural produce supplied to local markets around Apia area recorded a 14.6% drop. The overall price level decreased by 9.1% in the reviewed period.
13. The annual average headline inflation rate slowed to -2.4% at end January 2021 from 1.5% in January 2020.
14. The underlying inflation rate also dropped to -1.1% at end January 2021 compared to 1.2% in January 2020.
15. Real GDP – September 2020 quarter recorded a drop of 2.3% to $446.94 million from the previous quarter and also 16.3% lower compared to the same quarter last year.
16. For the whole year up to September 2020, real GDP growth fell by 8.6% compared to its high of 4.8% annual growth at end September 2019.
17. The annual nominal GDP per capita up to September 2020 decreased to $10,283; which was 9% lower than $11,305 in the 12 months up to September 2019.
18. Total outstanding external debt at end September 2020 stood at $1,027.7 million, or roughly 49.5% of nominal GDP.
19. Total debt servicing in the 12 months to September 2020 amounted to $65.71 million which was 12.4% lower than its level in the same period last year.