It is a new day and we thank the Lord for his love, his mercy, and his grace. Which has brought us through hard and challenging times. We thank the Lord for his faithfulness to his children and the gift of hope which lives in the heart of every true believer and which has offered comfort and calm.
Many of you will now be aware of the decision of Samoa’s Court of Appeal presided over by the Honourable Chief Justice Satiu Simativa Perese, and their honors, Justice Niava Mata Tuatagaloa and Justice Tafaimalo Leilani Tuala Warren.
In that decision, the country’s highest and most esteemed court found that the swearing in which took place under a tent at Tiafau malae on the 24th of May 2021 was lawful.
As of yesterday afternoon, the caretaker Government ended its time and the new Government under my leadership as Prime Minister, together with the Ministers of Cabinet, sworn in on the 24th of May of this year, were confirmed as the new Government.
Can I offer my deepest gratitude to you, the people of Samoa, and in particular, acknowledge the dignity with which you have waited with patience and forbearance peacefully and respectfully for the court process to be concluded.
You have been strong in claiming the peace which comes from faith, from the deep love for your country, and love for your families, villages and districts. My administration is committed to returning this country to the special place dreamt of by our forefathers when they grabbed the mantle of independence almost 60 years ago.
Today, I and Cabinet met with key officials to begin transition of our new Government into office.
“It’s a new day,” Prime Minister Fiame
(The following is the full address by Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa after the Courts of Appeal Decision confirming the Fa’atuatua I le Atua ua Tasi Political Party as the new Government.
The speech was delivered during a Press Conference on 24th June 2021.)
At the earliest opportunity next week, Parliament will convene to carry out its first order of business to pass the budget to ensure the ongoing operations of Government.
We have directed Treasury to prepare a budget premised on article 95 of the Constitution which is 25% of the last budget 2020-2021.
This will give effect of supply to continue the operations of Government and availing our new administration time to review the financial and economic situation of our country before presenting a full budget.
Cabinet will formally take office on Tuesday next week, on an expected smooth transition with the outgoing caretaker Government.
Let us all now come together each in our own way to make Samoa our beloved country a place we can be proud of and happy to live in.
It is my continuing prayer that God upon which this country is founded will continue to bless and guide Samoa.