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Rev Moli Moli

Representative of the Asian Development Bank in Samoa

Cabinet Ministers

Chairman of the Board of Directors of SPA

Heads of Government Ministries and Corporations

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen

I am delighted to be here this evening as we gather to mark the commencement of the Enhancing Safety, Security and Sustainability of Apia Port ADB-funded Project.

This Project is made possible through a grant aid by one of Samoa’s friends and development partners; the Asian Development Bank at the value of USD$62.26 million with our Government contribution of USD$12.77 million which makes up the total value of the Project of USD$75.03 million.

The Project will improve the efficiency, safety and environmental sustainability of the Apia Port, it will upgrade terminal infrastructure to enhance safety and capacity, strengthening the exiting breakwater to enhance resilience to climate change and severe storms and to construct a customs facility with a new container x-ray scanner to enable effective border management. The Project will also support gender-sensitive Green Port Initiatives to promote clean and sustainable port operations and management.

Now is the time to develop resilient infrastructure that can withstand extreme weather events and climate change, and we are delighted to partner with ADB in this transformational project.

The Project Scope includes:

-Reconstruction of the breakwater

-Acquisition of one new Tug Boat

-Acquisition of a new X-Ray scanner for the Ministry of Customs & Revenue

-Pavement works

-New Reefer Plugging Facilities

-New Lights

-New Back-up Generator

-New Maintenance Building

-Building for X-Ray scanner

-Rehabilitation of Shed 2

-Lean to facility for Ministry of Customs Inspection Area

-Green Port Initiative

The contract for the construction of the breakwater and port civil works was signed with China Harbour Engineering Company Limited on 29th March 2021. The contract for the building and supply of a new tug boat for SPA was signed on 9th January 2021 with Cheoy Lee Shipyards Ltd in Hong Kong. The contract for the construction supervision was signed with Beca International Consultants on 8th November 2020 and the contract for the Green Port Initiative was awarded and signed with Haskoning DHV of Netherlands on 18th November 2020.

The construction of the breakwater and port civil works will commence on 16th August 2021 with the target completion date of 31st March 2024.

Through the ADB Office in Apia, I wish to extend our Government’s sincere thanks and heartfelt appreciation to the Asian Development Bank for your continued support and assistance for Samoa. Special thanks to the Chairman and Board of Directors, Management and Staff of Samoa Ports Authority for your effort and support. To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance for your part in securing funding and other arrangements for this project.

May the Lord’s blessings be upon us all and this project and I now officially launch the commencement of the Project for Enhancing Safety, Security and Sustainability of Apia Port Project.


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