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E tusa ai ma aiaiga o le Poloa’iga o Fa’alavelave Tutupu Fa’afuase’i mo le Koviti – 19, mo le tapunia atoa o le atunu’u lautele, o lea e toe FA’AMANATU atu ai, e tapunia aoga uma taeao i le Aso Gafua 24 Ianuari 2022.

E tāua lo tatou galulue fa’atasi ina ia tatou maua se Samoa saogālēmū ma ola mālōlōina ona tagata e o’o lava i nai a tatou fanau.


An important reminder, please we kindly informed the public that all educational institutions in Samoa remain close as the nationwide lockdown for COVID-19 pandemic continues until 6.00pm on January 24th 2022 in accordance with the provisions of the State of Emergency (SOE) Orders released yesterday.

The public is advice to contact the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) for any enquiries.

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