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(GOVT. PRESS SECRETARIAT)-As of this morning, 28th January 2022, the number of positive cases for Samoa still remains at 27.  All 27 are in the secured and controlled isolation Units and currently there is still no evidence of a community transmission.

The public is once again advised that Samoa remains at Alert Level 3 and all restrictions are to be carefully observed and complied with. This includes the wearing of masks, practicing of 2meters social distancing, washing hands regularly and carrying around your vaccination card at all times.

The public is liable for penalty under the State of Emergency Orders and relevant laws of Samoa.

For more information contact the National Emergency Operation Center (NEOC) on 32759 or the COVID-19 Helpline on 8006440, and 911 for Emergencies.

We kindly ask the public’s continuing support for the safety of Samoa.

Updated information on the Lockdown will be disseminated as soon as it’s finalised.



(OFISA O LE SO’OUPU)- E o’o mai i le 9:00 i le taeao nei, Aso Faraile 28 Ianuari 2022, ua fa’amaonia mai e le Matāgaluega o le Soifua Mālōlōina o lo’o tumau pea i le 27 i latou o lo’o a’afia i le Koviti – 19.

O lo’o fa’anofoesea pea i latou nei i le nofoaga fa’apitoa mo puipuiga masani, ma le mata’itūina fa’alesoifua mālōlōina.  E leai se isi o i latou nei o iloa ai āuga ma tulaga tugā o le Koviti – 19 e pei o le tale, fiva, pepē o tino, fa’afaufau ma lē lagona se fia taumafa.

O lo’o fa’aauau, mapo ma tumau puipuiga masani a le Matāgaluega o le Soifua Mālōlōina ma le Ofisa o Fa’alavelave Tutupu Fa’afuase’i, mo le mata’itūina pea o i latou nei, aemaise fo’i i latou uma o lo’o fa’anofo va’ava’aia i nofoaga fa’apitoa ua fa’atulagaina.

O lo’o faaauau pea i le La’asaga 3 (Level 3) (lanu mūmū) mo Poloa’iga o Fa’alavelave Tutupu Fa’afuase’i le tapunia ai o le atunu’u atoa, mo le puipuiga lautele o Samoa mai lenei fa’ama’i.

O le fa’amanatu, ia tautuanā fa’aaogā tali fofoga i taimi uma ma usitā’ia fautuaga o lo’o tu’uina atu mo le saogālēmū o tagata uma.

Mo nisi faamatalaga faafesootai mai le Ofisa o Fa’alavelave Tutupu Fa’afuasei i le numera 32759 poo le numera 8006440 ma le numera 911 mo se fesoasoani manaomia.

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