(2 February 2022)- The Unit Trust of Samoa following its monthly review of unit prices has recorded a 1 sene increase in the selling price and a 1 sene increase in the repurchase price. The unit prices for your trading effective from the 2nd February 2022 up to 1st March 2022 are as follows;
Issue Price $1.73
Repurchase Price $1.71
The increase in the unit price is a testament of the Trusts’ continuous effort to generate positive results for our unitholders.
The most recent national lockdown tested the digitization of UTOS’ platform to ensure that services to our Unitholders are not disrupted. Under Alert Level 3, local unitholders were able to purchase units using the following services;
• UTOS Mobile App
• Direct Deposit via Internet Banking
• M-Tala
Our overseas unitholders were also able to continue their usual transaction via KlickEx Pacific in partnership with Vodafone Samoa.The withdrawal of units is also possible with unitholders submitting their requests via on-line (emails or UTOS App) prior to undertaking the authentication process. We are now able to process payments/withdrawals directly to unitholders’ nominated bank accounts.
As we operate under Level 2 restrictions, we encourage our unitholders to utilize our digital platforms and to ensure that their bank details held with UTOS are up-to-date.
These digitalization processes, were developed by UTOS not only to discourage our unitholders from physically visiting our office during these times of uncertainties and for our unitholders to perform all transactions from the safety of their homes.
For more information regarding our services, please contact UTOS on phone number 26949 or 29916, or email us at info@utos.ws. More information is also available on our website www.utos.wsa and Facebook (Unit Trust of Samoa).
During these perturbing times, the Unit Trust of Samoa prays for our Lords’ protection upon our beloved Samoa.