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Two new positive cases have been identified in quarantine following follow up tests on close contacts of the health worker who tested positive on Friday, 11th March 2022.

These cases include a driver and a health worker. Both were close contacts of the health worker who tested positive on Friday 11th March 2022. They have been transferred to the isolation ward at Motootua, and they remain asymptomatic.

The number of positive cases has risen to 15 since the flight arrived on March 6th, 2022. All are well and remain asymptomatic.

The public is encouraged to wear masks, practice social distancing, and wash hands regularly. Public access to ALL COVID-19 QUARANTINE SITES is strictly prohibited.

We remind the public, especially those who have not done or completed their two shots of AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and booster shots to please do so. Vaccination has proven to be a key component of concerted efforts to prevent hospitalization and death from COVID19.



Toalua (2) ua faaopoopo i ai latou ua aafia i le siama o le KOVITI-19

E toalua (2) ua faaopoopo i le numera o i latou ua aafia i le siama o le KOVITI-19. O i laua nei ua aafia o nisi sa latalata i se tasi o le aufaigaluega a le Matagaluega o le Soifua Maloloina sa muai pesia i le Aso Faraile 11 Mati 2022.

Ua atoa ai le 15 o i latou ua pesia i le siama talu ona taunuu mai le malaga mai Auckland i le Aso Sa, 6 Mati 2022. O loo manuia ma e leai ni auga ua aliae mai i ai latou uma nei.

E fautuaina le mamalu o le atunuu ina ia faia talifofoga, mataituina le tu ma le nofo vava, ma ia fufulu lima i taimi uma. E faamanatu atu foi, e matuā tapu so’o se tagata e uia pe afea nofoaga o lo’o fa’anofoesea ai (Quarantine sites) i latou na faimalaga mai i atunuu mamao.

E faamanatu atu foi i le mamalu o le atunuu, aemaise lava i latou e le’i faia, pe e lei mae’a a latou tui puipui e lua o le AstraZeneca, Pfizer, faapea foi le tui lona tolu (booster); faamolemole ia faatino nei loa a outou tui puipui mo le puipuiga ma le saogalemu o Samoa atoa.

E talosagaina pea le lagolago a le atunu’u ia tatou tauave fa’atasi lenei fa’amoemoe, mo le puipuiga ma le saogalemu o si o tatou atunu’u.


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