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Official Launch for the signing of funding agreement for disbursement of $200,000 to District Councils Committee

The official launch for the signing of funding agreement between the government and districts councils for the disbursement of $200,000 to 18 Districts Committee was held on the 27th May 2022 at the Hall Tooa Salamasina at 10am.

The Minister of Finance, Honorable Mulipola Anarosa Ale Molioo highlighted in her key note speech preparation and purpose of the District Councils (DC), it was not an easy endeavor due to differences on aligning and complying with National Priority Goals and Policies of the Government and sustainable development goals and projects within Samoa’s 51 ballot constituencies. The sole purpose of this DC Project is improving sustainable developments in districts for people and communities to acquire and have access to improved livelihoods, and this starts from developing districts by people using their time, effort and capacity in conducting and implementing district developments, in addition, the using of raw natural resources such as land, water resources from rivers and abundance from the ocean which God has provided accessibility for all districts. The aim of the Government of Samoa for this project as outlined in the Pathway for the Development of Samoa are as follows:  

  1. Alleviating Hardship
  2. Improved Public Health
  3. Quality Education
  4. People Empowerment
  5. Community Development in Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture Productivity, Tourism Revitalization, Business Innovation and Growth

The Minister also states that this is a new initiative, and the transferring of funds with the signed funding agreement for each District Committee as agreed, will officially signed today 27 May 2022 between the Districts Councils and the Government of Samoa, for the disbursement of the $200,000 which sums up to a total of $10.2 million tala for all 51 districts. This grant is for the first phase of the project which includes 18 district councils that complies with criteria or requirement of the project submitted to the Ministry of Women Community and Social Development and the signing of the funding agreement today is for the disbursement of the $200,000. Honorable Mulipola also mentioned that a different funding agreement will be signed on the disbursement of the 1 million tala for the second disbursement of the grant for each District Councils.

She reminded the districts representatives that the signing of this funding agreement will be only for the $200,000.00. The trust is with the District Committee of each districts to ensure compliance of the funding agreement for the establishment of the District Councils, Establishment of DC offices and Recruitment of personnel for the project and development of each districts.

Honorable Mulipola clarifies criteria / requirement needed and highlighted the importance of submitting a written reporting clarifying the utilization of the $200,000 before 31st July 2022 by each District Councils committee. She also stated discussion on the utilization of the 1 million will be initiated once all District Councils comply with requirement of the funding agreement on the utilization of the $200,000 including monitoring and evaluation visits by government officials as these are same measures / requirements with regards to the utilization of the 1 million tala.  

A request for each District Councils to start discussion on the utilization of the 1 million tala with the MWCSD. A Project Management Unit (PMU) will be established to monitor the progress of this project in collaboration with the MWCSD to ensure development in each DC will contribute to the current especially the future development of each DC.

Honorable Mulipola elaborated that the Governments wishes for the District Committees to use this golden opportunity for districts to implement and develop new sustainable development initiatives, for improvement of current livelihood and future development endeavors for district and families. The Government aims for District Committees to prioritize and well implement this new initiative for the betterment of our families, villages and country as a whole. 

We highly recommend and need the support of our district councils to ensure the successful implementation of this project based on funding agreement criteria and requirement.

May our Heavenly Father bless the initial phase of this project for District Councils and to ensure that this project delivers success and development opportunities for Samoa and its people. 

Soifua ma ia Manuia.

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