“Diversifying limu fuafua for food security, nutritional benefit and livelihoods”
Seaweeds are increasingly viewed as important in diets because of their nutritional and health benefits, as well as other uses in agriculture. Edible green seaweeds are a natural resource that grows on shallow lagoons and reefs around Samoa.
Sea grapes can be cultivated for local consumption and also potentially exported, providing economic opportunity for Pacific Island countries.
On Thursday 9th June 2002, the Fisheries Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, held an Inception workshop for in 10 selected sites in Upolu. The Revitalisation, Expansion and Diversification of Agriculture and Fisheries (REDSAF) Project through UNDP is supporting the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries’ efforts to revitalize sea-grape farming as a sustainable income earning opportunity for our local communities. The project aims to strengthen COVID-19 preparedness and accelerate socio-economic recovery through the revival of sea-grape also known as the limu fuafua in Samoa. The project activities are implemented in 20 coastal villages across Samoa, focussing on the two main Islands Upolu and Savaii.
One of the project components is to expand the Ministry’s Marine Multispecies Hatchery at Toloa-Mulifanua to diversify aquaculture and mariculture stocks for distribution across coastal village communities and semi-commercial fisheries in Samoa. The Ministry through research and testing have been able to successfully farm sea-grapes, using farming methods and techniques that are able to increase growth of sea-grapes. If successful, this project will unlock niche market opportunities with income generating potential.
Through the generous support of the Government of Japan in collaboration with the UNDP which enabled the Ministry to implement the project activities, including awareness programs across communities of the benefits of Limu, as well as the promotion and transfer of new farming techniques to increase Limu harvest for farmers.
Furthermore, this project is funding the construction of additional hatchery at Toloa to increase and diversify aquaculture and mariculture stocks for distribution to communities.
The Ministry would like to acknowledge the Government of Japan in collaboration with the UNDP for their great support in accelerating our efforts to advance the sea-grape or Limu farming in Samoa.