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Ua fa’amaonia e le Kapeneta tofiga o nisi o Ofisa Sili o Pulega mo nisi o Matāgaluega ma Fa’alapotopotoga Tumā’oti a le Mālō.

O ia tofiga, e to’alua nisi o tamāli’i ua toe fa’aauau o la tofiga mo le tofi o le Ofisa Sili o Pulega, fa’atasi ai ma se tamāli’i fou ua filifilia mo se tasi o Matāgaluega Tele a le Mālō.

O i latou la nei;


Ua toe tofia nei le afioga iā Pesetā Noumea Simi, e avea ma Fa’auluuluga o le Matāgaluega o le Va i Fafo ma Fefa’atauā’iga mo le isi tolu tausaga. Ua silia i le 40 tausaga talu ona auauna le afioga iā Pesetā i le atunu’u.  Sa amata lona soifua tautua i le Ofisa o le Palemia i le 1979 ma fa’asolo atu ai i le Ofisa o le Va i Fafo, ae fa’apea fo’i i le Matāgaluega o Tupe i le tele o tausaga. 

O le 2015, na mua’i filifilia ai i le tofiga o le Ofisa Sili o le Matāgaluega o le Va i Fafo ma Fefa’atauā’iga ma o le tolu ai nei o nofoā’iga ta’itolu tausaga, o avea pea Pesetā Noumea Simi ma Fa’auluuluga o lea Matāgaluega.

Sa a’oa’oina le afioga ia Pesetā i Samoa nei ma fa’aauau atu ai i Niu Sila ma Ausetalia. O lo’o ia umia le  fa’ailoga Tikerī mauāluga, o le Master of Business Administration mai le Iunivesite o New England, i Ausetalia.  


Ua toe tofia fo’i le tōfā ia Ulugia Petelo Kavesi e avea ma Pule Sili o le Fa’alapotopotoga o ‘Ele’ele Tumā’oti a le Mālō mo le isi tolu tausaga.

Ua silia i le 30 tausaga o le auaunaga a Ulugia i le atunu’u. Sa amata lona soifua galue i le Iunivesite o le Pasefika i Alafua (U.S.P.) ma fa’asolo mai ai i le Mālō i le Pulega o Tagata Tafafao Maimoa mai Fafo (S.T.A.) ae fa’apea fo’i i le Ofisa o Taui o Fa’alavelave Fa’afuase’i a Samoa (A.C.C.)

I le 2016 na ulua’i filifilia ai Ulugia i lea tofiga se’ia o’o mai i le taimi nei, ma ua fa’amauina o le tolu ai nei o ana nofoā’iga soso’o, e ia tau’aveina pea lenei tofiga tāua a le Mālō.

O lenei tamāli’i o le atunu’u, e lua fa’ailoga Tikerī mauāluluga o lo’o ia umia, o le Master of Arts i Atina’e fa’atasi ai ma le Master of Business Administration mai i le Iunivesite o le Pasefika.  


Mo le Matāgaluega o Galuega, Fela’uā’iga ma Atina’e ‘Ese’ese (M.W.T.I.), ua tofia i ai mo le ulua’i taimi, le afioga iā Fui Tupa’i Mau Simanu. Ua 28 tausaga o lana tautua mo Samoa.

Na amata lana auaunaga o le faiā’oga i le Matātā ‘Ese’ese i le 1994, ma fa’aauau ai i le Iunivesite Aoao o Samoa (N.U.S.), se’ia o’o atu i le 2010.

Mai le tausaga e 2010 e o’o mai i le asō, o lo’o tautua pea Fui mo Samoa e ala i le Fa’alapotopotoga o Malosi’aga Tau – ‘Eletise (E.P.C.).

O lenei tamāli’i o le atunu’u, o lo’o ia umia le fa’ailoga tikerī mauāluga o le Master in  Engineering Management mai i le Iunivesite o Tekonolosi i Sini, Ausetalia.



Cabinet has approved the appointment of three Chief Executive Officers to lead their respective Ministries for the next three years.

The appointments include one new CEO while the remaining two Chief Executives will continue in office.


Peseta Noumea Simi has been reappointed to continue as Chief Executive Officer.

With 40 years of service, Peseta started her public service in 1979 with the Prime Minister’s Office and then in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Finance for many years.

In 2015, Peseta was first appointed as Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

She holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of New England and this will be her third term in office.


Ulugia Petelo Kavesi will continue as the Managing Director of the Samoa Land Corporation for the next three years, Cabinet has approved.

Ulugia is a dual Master’s degree holder from the University of the South Pacific.

He holds a Master of Arts in Development Studies and a Master of Business Administration. Ulugia’s 30 years of public service include employment with the Samoa Tourism Authority and Samoa Accident Compensation Corporation.

This will be Ulugia’s third term as the Managing Director of Samoa Land Corporation..


Cabinet has approved the appointment of Fui Tupai Mau Simanu as the new Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Works, Transport, and Infrastructure (MWTI).

Fui holds a Master in Engineering Management from the University of Technology Sydney, Australia.

Fui has served Samoa for 28 years and started as a senior lecturer at the former Samoa Polytechnic.

He is a former Chief Engineer with the Electric Power Corporation (EPC) for over 10 years.


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