Aso Lua, 6 Setema, 2022
Lau Susuga i le Taitai o le Sauniga – Lau Susuga i le Toeaina, Palemia Tauiliili Reupena
Lau Afioga i le Ao Mamalu o le Malo ma le Masiofo
Your Excellency – The Rt Honourable Dame Cindy Kiro – Governor General of New Zealand and Spouse – His Excellency Dr Davies, and your delegation
Lau Afioga i le Sui o le Fono a Sui Tofia
Lau afioga i le Sui Palemia ma Minisita o le Kapeneta ma Minisita Lagolago
Lau afioga i le Fofoga Fetalai ma Sui Mamalu o le Fono Aoao Faitulafono
Lau afioga i le Sui Faamasino Sili ma Alii ma Tamaitai o le Faamasinoga
Faauluuluga o Matagaluega ma Faalapotopotoga Tumaoti
Members of the Diplomatic Corps
Le paia o le aufaigaluega totofi a le Atua o loo talafaauto i soo se tovine i le atunuu
Le malutaue’e o Samoa mai ona mauga maualuluga seia pāia ona papa tuloto
O le Paia lava lea aua Aiga ma Tama, o Tama ma Aiga, Tumua ma Pule, Ituau ma Alataua, Aiga i le Tai ma le Vaa o Fonoti.
E faapai atu foi i le tapuaiga a le afioga i le Kovana Sili ma le tafatolu o le faigamalo a Tutuila ma Manu’a. O paia aua Sua ma le Vaifanua, Fofo ma Aitulagi, Sa’ole ma le Launiu Saelua, Afifio Faatui ma Tootoo, ma upu i le Manuatele.
O paia sausaugatā ia o Samoa e afua mai i le onetai, seia pāia Fili ma Puletu’u. O lea ua popo i le laumua nei. A o le afioaga o Ti’a ma Luamanuvae, Tinousi ma le Maopu ia Su’a, le alalatai o le Falefia ma le Falesalafai, ma Upu ia te oe le Lologa na Pule ma le Faito’aga.
O le taeao ese lenei i lo tatou Tala Faasolopito, talu mai lo tatou uluai Tutoatasi i le 1962, aua o lea ua o tatou fesilafai ma feiloai i Salafai nei mo le uluai taimi, e faamanatu le 60 tausaga o lo tatou Malo Tutoatasi.
Ua to i tua Apolima, ma ua utu le gasegase o le to’elau, ona o le tausiga alofa a le Atua, talu ona poia si o tatou atunuu i le faamai o le Koviti 19. O le vala maaleale lea sa fougatā ai le faatinoina o se faamanatuga tele o lo tatou 60 tausaga, i le Aso muamua o Iuni i le tausaga nei i Tiafau i Mulinu’u. Peitai, o se laolao taua lea, sa mafai ai ona taoto atu i itumalo uma o le atunuu e faatino a latou faamanatuga i o latou lava afioaga ma alalafaga. O se faiga sa maitauina le matagofie o tapenaga a itumalo eseese.
O le agaga atoa lea, o loo ta’ui ai polokalame uma o le patipatia o le 60 tausaga o lo tatou Malo Tutoatasi i le tausaga atoa. O le faamoemoe ina ia mafai ona auai uma le atunuu, ma ia maua le avanoa o tagata uma e faisao ai i le samiina o lo tatou Tutoatasi. O le ala foi lea na ae ai le finagalo i le Komiti o Tapenaga o le Tutoatasi, ina ia faatino lenei sauniga i Puleono nei, ina ia saga faataua le agaga o le nutimea faatasi o le atunuu atoa.
Ua faiva ese foi le ulupepe i lenei sauniga, aua o lea o loo tatou faatasi ma le afioga i le Kovana Aoao o le Malo o Niusila, ma lona Alii ma le aumalaga mai Niusila. Sa malaga faapitoa mai e auai i polokalame o lo tatou Tutoatasi, ma lona naunautaiga e fia asia le motu tele nei i Salafai. O lona auai mai, o le lagisoifua lea o le faaauau pea o lo tatou sootaga vavalalata ma le Malo o Niusila, e ala i la tatou Feagaiga Faauo, lea ua atoa le 60 tausaga i le tausaga nei.
Samoa e, ua lauao sinasina lou Malo Tutoatasi. O ai ea na mafua ai? E ui ina lutaluta ma souā la tatou folauga, peitai e le o mavae le tausiga alofa a le Atua i si o tatou atunuu. O a foi fatia ua mavae i le la tausaga i le faiga filifiliga a le atunuu aua upufai o le tatou Malo, e le mafai ona suia ai le faavae papa o lo tatou atunuu, o Samoa e faavae i le Atua lona Malo Tutoatasi, ma e fesaua’i ona gafa ma ona aiga.
O le ala lea e tepa ai i le to’o ma tagai i le ata, aua o lo tatou faasinomaga ma le tofi na tuuina mai e le Atua, e lautua i le alofa ma le fetausia’i.
O manulauti ua faataoto e le tatou Malo mo le atinae o si o tatou atunuu e laualuga i le tofusao uma o tagata, ma ia maua avanoa e togi ma’a faatasi ai i taumafaiga uma ua fuafua nei. O le sa o Samoa e fautele. E a le puna oe, e a le faga a’u. Tatou te oloolo pitova’a ma o tatou mulumuluaufoe faatasi, ina ia se’e malū le sa o le atunuu.
O le saga faataua o le faatino o le sauniga o le Tutoatasi i Salafai nei, o le a usuia ai le uluai fonotaga a le Kapeneta i Salafai i le vaiaso lenei, talu mai lo tatou uluai tutoatasi. Ou te manatu o se amataga fou lea i le agai atu i le lumanai.
O le toe upu, le paia e o le atunuu, tatou folau pea ma le faatuatua i le Atua, e auomanū ai la tatou folauga.
Ia manuia le faamanatuina o le 60 tausaga o lo tatou Malo Tutoatasi i Salafai nei.
On this momentous ocassion of our first independence anniversary celebrations in Savaii, we remember the sacrifices of our forefathers that laid the foundation of our Independence in 1962. We are indeed grateful for this milestone in our history, to come together to celebrate 60 years of independence with our people, families and friends in Savaii.
The unprecedented impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic led to many restrictions that we all had to weather for more than two years to minimize its deadly clutch on our country. This led to Cabinet’s decision to hold a restricted official flag raising ceremony at Tiafau Mulinuu on the 1st of June this year, however, it created the opportunity for 51 districts to hold celebrations in villages and communities. That was historical and many of us witnessed the pageantry and festive celebrations across the country.
The hosting of the first independence ceremony in Savaii this morning mirrors the objective of this year-long celebrations. And that is to encourage people’s paticipation, and community engagement in activities planned for our independence anniversary.
We are indeed privileged with the presence of Her Excellency the Rt Honourable Dame Cindy Kiro – Governor General of Aoteatoa New Zealand, and her husband – His Excellency Dr Davies and their delegation. We welcome HE as our Guest of Honour to the big island of Savaii.
We have traversed rough seas and turbulence; as well as sailed the crests of our successes throughout our 60 year journey. We should never forget the tenacity, the visionary legacy drive and forbearance oif our forefathers as well as past and present leaders to build Samoa to what it is today with the Lord’s guidance and wisdom. As part of the celebrations in Savaii, Cabinet has decided to hold its first Cabinet meeting in Savaii this week. This is the foundation of new beginnings.
Let us continue to sail with faith and look upon our God and foundation to lead Samoa safely into the future.