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As Samoa warmly welcomes the Festive Season this year, the Unit Trust of Samoa is celebrating its latest developments towards improving services to its Unitholders in Samoa and around the globe.

  • In partnership with Pacific40 Ltd, Unitholders are now able to purchase units through the Talofa Voucher from anywhere in the world. Talofa Voucher was established in 2018 to assist Pacific Island Communities residing abroad to support their families living in Pacific homelands. With the ingenious solution for online payment of goods and services from New Zealand, Australia, and other counties to various businesses in Samoa, families need not to worry about the hassle of acquiring their funds through packed money transfer agencies in town.

With more than 150 existing business partners in Samoa, UTOS is proud to add its name to the growing partnerships and team up with Pacific40 – Talofa Voucher to ensure the convenience of buying units at any time, from anywhere.

  • The UTOS public website has also been upgraded to;
  • Include Digital payments platforms (KlickEx, ANZ online Banking Biller, and Talofa Voucher) which are now available for unitholders to buy units from anywhere.
  • The website has incorporated Cyber Security patches that were recommended by UpGuard our Cyber Security Resilience platform for optimal security.
  • There is also a major transformation in presenting digital information to the public for ease of understanding of the benefits and advantages of investing with UTOS.

The second phase of the Project will see new accounts being processed online and submitted through our public website. This work is currently in the pipelines and UTOS will work to have this Live by January 2023.

Unitholders and the public are encouraged to visit our websites / for more information.

  • Furthermore, at the Trust special meeting with Savaii Unitholders last month, where the new Prospectus 2022 – 2025 was launched, a new regulated amount for the opening of New Investment Accounts has now adjusted from 50 units to 25 units. This decision by the Board and Management of the UTOS Management Ltd was to ensure that investing with UTOS remains affordable to everyone.

UTOS (Trust) is a private trust owned by the Unitholders with its assets entrusted to a Trustee Company which holds in trust the funds of the unitholders. These funds are invested into a diversified portfolio of assets ranging from term deposits, government guaranteed lending to the Government of Samoa, and shares in privately owned companies both local and across the region. Its social objective is inclusivity; allowing for accessible and affordable investment for ordinary Samoans. Its commercial objective is to generate sustainable returns for the unit holders from a risk assessed and balanced investment portfolio.

Should you need further information regarding your investment account with the Unit Trust of Samoa please contact +685 29916 or +685 26949 or email or via our Facebook page Unit Trust of Samoa.

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