(OFISA OLE SO’OUPU) : Ua faamaonia e le Kapeneta le fa’amalolo lē tumau ai o le Ofisa Sili o Pulega, o le Matagaluega o Pisinisi Alamanuia ma Leipa – Pulotu Lyndon Chu Ling ma le Sui Ofisa Sili Lagolago mo le Vaega o Galuega Faavaitaimi – Tofilau Matthew Alesana. O lenei fa’aiuga ua faia ina ia aualā ai le fa’atinoina o le suesuega e fitoitonu i le Vaega o le Matagaluega o loo gafa ma le fa’afoeina o galuega fa’avaitaimi mo le atunuu.
E tusa ma ala o le Tulafono ma faiga fa’avae a le Malo, ua fa’ase’e atu le mataupu i le Komisi o Galuega a le Malo mo le fa’atinoina o le suesuega ma toe lipoti vave mai ai i le Kapeneta mo sana faaiuga mulimuli.
PRESS RELEASE: Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Labour suspended
(GOVT.PRESS SECRETARIAT) : Cabinet has approved the suspension of the Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Labour – Pulotu Lyndon Chu Ling, and the Acting Assistant CEO of the Labour Employment Export Programme (LEEP) Division – Tofilau Matthew Alesana. This decision has been made to allow the Public Service Commission to conduct an investigation into the Division of the MCIL that leads and coordinates Samoa’s Labour Employment Export Programme.
Apropos requirements of the Public Service Act 2004 and relevant government policies, the Public Service Commission will conduct the investigation and report to Cabinet urgently for its final consideration.