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Signing Ceremonies of the Grant Contract for;

  1. The Project for Construction of Safe House in Apolima Island
  2. The Project for Reconstruction of Salua Primary School


Two signing ceremonies were held earlier today Thursday 9 February 2023, to formalize two new Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Human Security Projects (GGP) at the Embassy of Japan office in Apia.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Samoa, H.E. Mr. Keisuke SENTA signed over the grants with the recipients’ representatives of Apolima Island Community Village Council and Salua Primary School Committee.

Apolima Island Community Village Council received a grant of up to USD 176,878 (approximately SAT 462,000) for the construction of single-storey safe house with 1 large room, 2 small rooms, 1 storage, kitchen, 4 toilets, 4 shower rooms, and 3 5k litre water tanks in Apolima Island to secure the proper facility in the event of natural disaster such as cyclone for the residents, and contribute to the improvement of disaster management skills.

Salua Primary School Committee received a grant of up to USD 197,313 (approximately SAT 515,000) which will assist the school committee in reconstructing 6 new classrooms, 1 staff room, 1 library and principal’s room as well as a new toilet block in order to provide a safe and healthy educational environment and improve the quality of basic education service for Salua students and teachers.

The Government of Japan continues to support and assist small-scale projects directly benefitting at the grass-roots level as well as contributing to the socio-economic development of the Independent State of Samoa through its GGP.


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