15th March 2023
It has come to the attention of the Central Bank of Samoa (CBS) that there is an app game on the social media site facebook that is using our logo (refer screenshots).
Please be advised that CBS does not endorse or relate to this game app in any way and does not take responsibility for anything that occurs with its usage. These activities are not in our mandate.
Please also be reminded that the use of the CBS logo and images is illegal and fraudulent and in our view a forgery of electronic Data as per Samoa’s Crimes Act. The use of the CBS logo in this instance is plainly to deceive potential users of its validity.
CBS kindly reminds the public to be vigilant and avoid such scams, the public is also reminded to refrain from sharing these scams online.
CBS is currently working to identify such individuals responsible. Once identified they will be reported to the Samoa Police Services for appropriate action.
Press release ends.
Fa’asalalauga a le Faletupe Tutotonu
Ua o’o mai i le Ofisa o le Faletupe Tutotonu o Samoa o lo’o i ai se ta’aloga app i luga o se tasi o itulau ole upegatafa’ilagi o lo’o fa’aogaina ai le tagavai a le Faletupe.
Faamolemole e utagia mai e le’o iai se feso’otaiga a le Faletupe Tutotonu ma lenei ta’aloga ma e leai foi se aafiaga o le Faletupe i ni faalavelave tutupu mulimuli i lenei taaloga. E le’o iai foi se fa’atonuga po’o se pule a le Faletupe i nei gaioiga.
E fia faamanino atu foi o le fa’aaogaina o le tagavai ma ata o le CBS e le tusa ai ma le tulafono ma tau faasese, ma i lo matou manatu o se faaseseina o faamatalaga fa’atekonolosi e tusa ai ma le Tulafono o Soligatulafono a Samoa. O le fa’aogaina o le fa’ailoga CBS i lenei gaioiga e taufa’aseseina ai fa’amaoniaga e tagata o lo’o fa’aogaina.
E faamanatu atu ma le fa’aaloalo e le Faletupe i le mamalu o le atunuu ina ia mataala ma aloese mai faiga taufaavalea faapea, ua faamanatu atu foi i tagata lautele ina ia aua ne‘i faasoa atu nei faiga taufaavalea i luga o le upegatafa’ilagi.
O lo’o galue nei le Faletupe e fa’ailoa tagata o lo’o faia lenei gaioiga taufa’avalea. O le taimi lava e iloa ai o le a lipotia i le Ofisa o Leoleo a Samoa mo se gaioiga talafeagai.
Fa’ai’uina le fa’asalalauga.