(GOVERNMENT PRESS SECRETARIAT): Cabinet has approved the appointment of Tuitoga Christina Angela Te’o Faitele as the Samoa Public Trustee for the next three (3) years.
Tuitoga will take over the reins from afioga Leaupepe Peleseuma Mata’utia F.S. Ropati who has served in the position for 18 years. Tuitoga was the most highly recommended applicant by the Selection Panel following the shortlisted interviews for displaying a concise vision and plan for the Public Trust Office (P.T.O.).
Tuitoga previously worked for the Public Trust Office for 15 years before pursuing her interests in the legal profession from 2018. At the Office of the Attorney General, she has climbed the corporate ladder to become a Principal State Solicitor of the Commercial and International Law Division since February, 2022.
Tuitoga in her quest for this position articulated formidable plans to up-skill and train the staff, and portrayed passion, vigor, conviction and determination to progress and improve the status of the P.T.O, to realize its high level outcomes, as well as its mandates, obligations, visions and mission for the betterment of all stakeholders and Samoans in general.
Tuitoga is a University of the South Pacific alumnus. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree, Bachelor of Laws degree as well as a Professional Diploma in Legal Practice and a Professional Diploma in Legislative Drafting.
The 44 year old mother of two hails from the villages of Faleapuna and Leufisa.
(SO’O’UPU A LE MĀLŌ): Ua fa’amaonia e le Kapeneta, e tusa ma le fautuaga a le Komiti sa nafa ma le iloiloina o lenei avanoa, le tofia ai o le afioga iā Tuitoga Christina Angela Te’o Faitele e avea ma Tausi Mavaega mo le Ofisa o Tausi Mavaega a Samoa mo le tolu tausaga.
O Tuitoga, o se tamāli’i ua iloga lana tautua i lenei Ofisa, ua fa’amauina e 15 tausaga o galue i lea auaunaga a le Mālō, ma ua telē lona silafia i tiute tau’ave ma le fa’atinoga o galuega a le Ofisa o Tausi Mavaega. E tofia Tuitoga o avea ma Loia Sinia Autu a le Ofisa o le Loia Sili.
O Tuitoga o se tamalii mai i le afioga o Faleapuna ma Leufisa ma sa aoaoina i le Iunivesite Aoao o le Pasefika i Fiti. O loo ia umia ni faailoga maualuluga e aofia ai ma le faailoga Loia.
O le tofiga o Tuitoga, ua sui tulaga ai i le afioga iā Leaupepe Peleseuma Mata’utia F.S. Ropati, sa tau’avea lenei tofiga mo le 18 tausaga.
Ua 44 tausaga o le soifua o Tuitoga.