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A 50 year old father and his five young children, were the latest victims of gender-based violence to request assistance from the Samoa Victim Support Group, through the Helpline.

According to the father, when he was diagnoised with an illness, he was no longer able to work to provide for his family.  His eldest son age 21 found employment close to home, earning minimum wages that supported his siblings daily needs, and the father’s medicine.  The wife became another breadwinner, and things started to get back to normal.

Unfortunately, the wife went to work and left his family for another man. The younger children were distressed from missing their mother.  The ill and unemployed father had no choice but to return with his children to his village, to start over again.

It was while settling in at his family home that the father called the Helpline; for food and clothing for his children during this time.  The eldest son remained in town to continue with his casual employment to provide the family.

Overnight, the lives of the victims of gender-based violence, in this case, the father and his five children, were severely disrupted. Relocated and started all over again away from what was familiar to them, the children’s mental health is a concern.

As a child safe organization, SVSG immediately reached out to its network of village leaders in this area to provide the relevant support services to the father and his children.

Together with the SVSG village representatives, SVSG had ensured that the father and his children have food and clothing to support them during this time, hence, contributed to progress made towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG1: No Poverty) and (SDG4: Gender Equality).

Through the Helpline, SVSG continues to assist victims of gender-based violence, who had the courage to speak out. 

SVSG President Siliniu Lina Chang therefore sends out a reminder message to the community that “gender-based violence does not discriminate.  It affects people of all ages, gender and nationality.  The good thing is, we can address it, once we acknowledge and accept that it is not a private matter, but a collective responsibility.”

The SVSG is a non-profit organization that provides support and assistance to victims of gender-based violence and the vulnerable members of the community.  The organization offers a range of services, including counseling, legal support, and emergency assistance through its 24 hour free Helpline.

For more information about SVSG and it’s support services, please visit SVSG’s website at, contact the Helpline: 800-7874 or

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