(GOVERNMENT PRESS SECRETARIAT): Cabinet has approved the appointment of susuga Tafesilafa’i Ipiniu Filipo as the new General Manager for the Samoa Shipping Services, (S.S.S.).
Tafesilafa’i was strongly recommended by the panel to lead the SSS for the next three years, from 5 candidates that were interviewed for the position.
Since 2019, he served as S.S.S. Assistant General Manager before his appointment by Cabinet this week.
From 2013 to 2018, he was the ACEO for Regulatory and Consumer Services at the Office of the Regulator.
Tafesilafa’i graduated from the University of the South Pacific in 2006 with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Banking and Finance.
Tafesilifa’i replaces the newly elected Member of Parliament for Vaimauga 3, afioga Lautimuia Afoa Uelese Vaai.
He is married and hails from the village of Falefa.
(SO’O’UPU A LE MĀLŌ): Ua fa’amaonia e le Kapeneta, e tusa ma le fautuaga a le Komiti sa nafa ma le iloiloina o lenei avanoa, le tofia o le susuga iā Tafesilafa’i Ipiniu Filipo e avea ma Pule Sili o le Auaunaga o Va’a a Samoa (Samoa Shipping Services).
O le afioga iā Tafesilafa’i, o lo’o galue nei mo le Auaunaga o Va’a a Samoa i lona tofiga o le Ofisa Sili Lagolago mo le Vaega o Auaunaga Lautele talu mai le 2019.
Na galue o ia o se Ofisa Sili Lagolago o Pulega mo le Ofisa o le Pule Fa’atonu mo le 5 tausaga, ma ua fa’amauina ai e silia ma le 10 tausaga o lana tautua i totonu o le Mālō.
O Tafesilafa’i ua ia suia le afioga iā Lautimuia Afoa Uelese Va’ai sa ia tau’avea lea tofiga a’o le’i tofia e avea ma Faipule mo lona Itumālō Palota o Vaimauga #3.
O lo’o ia umia fa’ailoga tauāloa o le Tikerī o le Tōfā Manino mai i le Iunivesite o le Pasefika i Saute. E mai le afio’aga o Falefā.