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(17 July 2023)

The Honourable Prime Minister and Minister for Immigration, Afioga Fiamē Naomi Mata’afa launched the new uniform for Samoa Immigration at a ceremony held at the Ministry’s main office this morning. The new uniform includes a full set for both male and female immigration officers, rank slides, an identification badge, and an official cap.

Prime Minister Fiamē welcomed this initiative and acknowledged the partnership between the Ministry of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Pacific Immigration Development Community (PIDC) that funded the uniforms. The PIDC is a regional organisation that gained legal entity status in 2015, and subsequently established its headquarters in Apia in 2016. The Organisation has 21 member countries including Australia and New Zealand. Samoa is a permanent member on the PIDC’s Management Board.

“The essence of having a uniform epitomizes unity and identifies a group or an organisation that works together for a common goal. And while that is important, having a duty bound workforce with a result driven spirit for the betterment of society, are of greater significance”, says the Prime Minister. She encouraged Immigration officers to be more vigilant in the performance of their prescribed duties at the borders. “The new uniform is their armour and a constant reminder to all who will don this uniform, about their calling to safeguard Samoa’s national borders”, added Prime Minister Fiamē.

Chief Executive Officer, Agafili Tomaimanō Shem Leo reiterated the need for stronger strategic focus and well-coordinated immigration work at the regulated ports of entry to ensure national security, safety of travellers, and timely identification of transnational crimes.

The new uniform will help enhance visibility of Samoa Immigration at the borders, as part of its preparations for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) that Samoa will host in October 2024.



PEPA O FA’AMATALAGA: Fa’alauiloa Aloaia le Togiga Fou a le Ofisa o Femalagaiga a Samoa

(17 Iulai 2023)

O le taeao nei na tatala ma faalauiloa ai le togiga fou a le Ofisa o Femalagaiga a Samoa i se sauniga na faia i le Ofisa Autu o le Matagaluega o le Palemia ma le Kapeneta i Apia. E aofia i lenei togiga laei o alii ma tamaitai o le Ofisa o Femalagaiga, o faailoga o tulaga, pine mo le aufaigaluega, atoa ai ma pulou.

Na saunoa le afioga i le Palemia, o le Minisita foi o Femalagaiga e faafetaia lenei galuega, aemaise o le faiga paaga a le Matagaluega ma le Faalapotopotoga o Tulaga Tau Femalagaiga i le Pasefika, na tauala mai ai le faatupeina o lenei faamoemoe.

I lana saunoaga, na ia asiasi ai i le taua o le iai o togiga e iloa gofie ai se ‘au po o se faalapotoptoga, ma momoli mai ai le feau o le maopoopoga ma le galulue so’oso’otauau o e o galulue ai. E ui e taua nei vala, peitai o le mapo o faatinoga ma le taunapo i auala ma faasinomaga o loo aiaia ai nei matafaioi mo le manuia lautele o se atunuu, e sili atu lona taua. Sa ia faamalosiau i le aufaigaluega, o lenei togiga o o latou ofutau, ma o se faamanatu mo i latou o le a faaaogaina, ia faataua ma maelega i le puipuiga o tuaoi faavaomalo o Samoa, ina ia malu le atunuu.

Sa fonofaapipii le Ofisa Sili o Pulega – Agafili Tomaimano Shem Leo i le saga matimatiina o le vaai mamao, ma ia tausili pea i le galulue faatasi ina ia mautinoa o loo saogalemu Samoa ma ona tagata, aemaise le puipuia o le atunuu mai soligatulafono faavaomalo.

O le a fesoasoani lenei togiga fou mo le uunaia o le galuega a le Ofisa o Femalagaiga, atoa ai ma tapenaga a le Ofisa mo le talimalo ai o Samoa i le fonotaga a Taitai o Malo o le Taupulega i a Oketopa o le tausaga fou.


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