The Samoan delegation headed by Afioga Leatinu’u Wayne So’oialo, the Honourable Minister for Commerce Industry and Labour, accompanied by the Ambassador for Samoa to the UN and other International Organisations, Afioga Toleafoa Nella Pepe Tavita Levy held bilateral discussions with the Director General of WIPO, Mr. Daren Tang who was accompanied by the Director for the Division for Asia Pacific Mr. Andrew Ong. Afioga Leatinu’u Wayne So’oialo took the opportunity to thank DG Tang for all the WIPO support received by the Registries of Companies and Intellectual Properties to date. The Head of Delegation also listed a number of key areas that required WIPO support.
One such area is the development of intellectual property courses in collaboration with WIPO Academy to be considered for inclusion in undergraduate and post graduate studies at the National University of Samoa. The Assemblies continues until Friday 14th July 2023.
SOURCE: Ministry of Commerce Industry and Labour (MCIL)