O lea ua mae’a ona momoli lapalapa o malo i lenei afiafì ma e le taumate o se pua e ‘ula i lana silasila la tatou faafetai.
E momoli ai le faafetai i lau Susuga Rev. Dr. Latu Latai. Ia sana faafualoa e le Atua lou soifua aua ona galuega mamana, aemaise o le tala’iina o le upu o le ola e faavavau.
O le itula ma le faamoemoe, e iai le manatu o lea ua pulapula lagoto le la I lo tatou faamoemoe ae o loo maualuga pea paia o laufanua nei o Sinave ma Ulumotootua e afifio ai Alo o Sina ma le Aiga Salevalasi, Afifio i la’ua matua, ae alalatai ai le fale-tolu ma le Vainalepa.
Afifio afioga i Minisita o le Kapeneta, Minisita Lagolago ma sui o le Palemene
Afifio sui o Malo o atunuu mai fafo i High Komisina ma tou ofisa,
Otou uma o lo o tausinio a outou ‘auvaa I lenei faamoemoe, faapea a outou sui mamalu.
Afifio fo’i Faauluuluga o Pisinisi Tuma’oti sa velo’aso i lenei faatufugaga aua lona taunuuga, o lea ua iai le asō.
Alaalatai Faauluuluga o Matagaluega ma Faalapotopotoga sa galulue ma fesoasoani mo lenei faamoemoe.
Ae tau ia ona ou faatulou i Paia ma Sa Samoa le avea i lenei afiafi
Lea ua malu i tia seu i le e’e o tupu ma tamalii, Ua moni ai le upu ua tau-tupu, tau-tamalii ma tau-faleupolu la tatou fesilaiga i lenei itula ona o Samoa ua potopoto.
“O le fiafiaga tele i le Malo o si o tatou atunuu o Samoa ua mafai ona faatino lenei faamoemoe i totonu o si o tatou atunuu lea ua faaiuina ma le manuia”.
TALA O LE FAAMOEMOE o le tala o le faafetai
E momoli le agaga faafetai i ë uma sa auai ma lagolago i le sailiga siamupini lona tolu o le lalolagi i tuuga alovaa mamao, sa faataunu’u i o tatou laufanua.
O le agaga faafetai foi e tuuina atu i paaga uma o lenei faamoemoe ona ua tau lau, ma ua fa’ataunu’uina i le pule faasoa ale tatou Tapa’au o i le lagi.
Ia manuteleina toe taimi o lenei afiafi aemaise ai le toe taliu atu o ‘au uma i o latou atunu’u i aiga o lo’o tapua’i mai, ma e ia te au le ava ma le migao tele ou te faapea atu ai,
“Ua tapunia aloa’ia ai nei le Sailiga Siamupini Lona Tolu o Tu’ugavaa Mamao a le Faalapotopotoga Faava-o-malo o Alovaa.
Ladies & Gentlemen
A word of thanks
All praises and glory due to our heavenly Father above have been conveyed this evening and it is with this that I thank you sincerely Rev. Dr. Latu Latai of the Apia Congregational Christian Church of Samoa. May the good Lord continue to bless you with good health and strength to carry out His heavenly works here on Earth.
I acknowledge the place in which we are congregated here in the heart of Apia, the capital of our beautiful Samoa; through the support of the esteemed Alii and Faipule of Apia village. (The Apia Village Council)
On behalf of the Honorable Prime Minister and Hon. Ministers of Cabinet, Associate Ministers, we thank everyone who has taken the time to travel to our Island to participate in this wonderful event.
I want to thank all of you who made this happen. The Chief Executive Officers, Managing Directors and General Managers of government entities who worked tirelessly before and during this event.
Honorable Excellencies High Commissions and Dignitaries of our International Va’a Federation, member countries competing at this year’s World Distance Championships in Samoa, as well as your members of staff. We thank you for your support of the athletes, as well as this wonderful sport so embedded in their hearts and minds.
Members of the private sector, Chief Executive Officers, General Managers and business owners who had generously lent your support in one way or another to make this event a success; whether through monetary donation or in kind, I thank you.
The Government of Samoa is proud to have taken the leading role in supporting this auspicious event, and joins with all supporters in thanking the International Va’a Federation for entrusting the World Distance Championships to our beautiful Samoa. Congratulations to all our competing athletes, you are all champions for being here and taking part. Have a blessed remainder of your evening as well as wishing you all a safe return to your countries, families and loved ones who have cheered you on and supported you up until this moment in time. Congratulations to all medal winners and participants to the organisers.
And with that, I would like to take this opportunity to declare the Third International Va’a Federation World Distance Championships, Samoa 2023, officially closed. See you all again in prayers and God Bless for the future