(GOVT. PRESS SECRETARIAT): Established by Government in 2006, the Scientific Research Organisation of Samoa (SROS) seeks to promote innovative visions to optimize and augment the use of local resources for the betterment of Samoa.
Cabinet, at its meeting on Tuesday, 12th September, 2023, approved the selection panel’s recommendation to appoint Fiso Dr. Fiamē Leo as the new Chief Executive Officer of the SROS. Five applicants expressed interests in the position and four were subsequently interviewed.
Dr. Leo is currently employed as the SROS’s Manager for Technical and Quality Services and has been with the organisation for over 12 consecutive years. His wealth of experience will help to provide strategic direction and effective leadership to enhance the SROS’s vision, “to develop Samoa through science, technology and innovation.”
Dr. Leo graduated from the University of the South Pacific in 2001 with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Mathematics. He holds a Master of Science degree in Food and Animal Hygiene, and a Doctorate in Science, Glycobiology and Toxicology from the University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine in Hokkaido, Japan.
Dr. Leo is married with children and hails from the village of Vaitoomuli, Palauli. He replaces Seuseu Dr. Joseph Edward Tauati, who is now the CEO of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Tofia Fiso Dr. Fiamē Leo e Avea ma Ofisa Sili o le Fa’alapotopotoga o Suesuega Fa’asaienisi a Samoa (SROS)
(OFISA SO’OUPU); O le 2006 na fa’atuina ai e le Malo le Fa’alapotopotoga o Suesuega Fa’asaienisi a Samoa ina ia u’unaia le gafataulimaina o tomai ma agavaa e siitia ai auala ma metotia fou, e fa’aaoga iai a tatou lava alagaoa, mo le manuia o Samoa. E faapea foi i le fa’aaogaina ai o tomai ma agavaa ua ausia e tamafanau a Samoa i tulaga tau i suesuega fa’asaienisi.
O le Aso Lua, 12 Setema, 2023 na fa’amaonia ai e le Kapeneta i lana fonotaga le fautuaga a le Komiti sa fa’atalanoaina le avanoa o le Ofisa Sili o le SROS, mo le tofiaina o le Tofā ia Fiso Dr. Fiame Leo e avea ma Ofisa Sili o le Faalapotopotoga. E toalima i latou na tusi talosaga, ae toafa na fa’atalanoaina.
Ua silia i le 12 tausaga le tautua a Fiso, Dr. Leo i le SROS. E tofia nei Fiso, o avea ma pule o le vaega o Suesuega Faapitoa mo le Fa’alapotopotoga. O ona agavaa ma tomai o le a fa’aauau ai le tuliloaina o le vaaiga mamao a le SROS, e taulamua i le tapenaina o suesuega fa’asaienisi i tomai fa’apitoa, mo le manuia o le atunuu.
O loo umia e Fiso le fa’ailoga Tikeri i tulaga tau saienisi mai le Iunivesete o le Pasefika. O loo ia umia foi le faailoga Matuaofaiva ma le Tofa Saili ma le fa’ailoga Fomai, mai i le Iunivesite o Fa’atoaga ma Vailaau i Hokkaido, Iapani.
Ua fa’aipoipo Fiso ma o se matai tausi aiga mai le afioaga o Vaitoomuli, Palauli. Ua sui tulaga Fiso i le susuga i a Seuseu, Dr. Tauati lea ua tofia ma Ofisa Sili o le Matagaluega o Fa’atoaga ma Faigafaiva.